March 12, 2011

Getting Ready For A Crop Or Swarm

One time or another we all leave the coziness of our scrap area and go to a swarm or a crop. In the past I would pack and take paper galore and still find myself borrowing as I was missing the color or pattern that I really wanted. Then it seems as if we never have enough time to get everything done we want to as we are so busy enjoying the wonderful people around us that we can't concentrate on the task at hand.... scrapping and card making. Well not me I do both. I just love visiting with all my friends and the new ladies I meet but I also get my work done because I am prepared. I plan ahead of time and gather all my supplies together. Please take a few minutes with this video to learn how you too can get the most out of your next crop.

It just takes a little planning and the right tools and you are on your way to creating many items while you are enjoying the company of the ladies around you. I have gotten my supplies from Creative Memories, and Hobby Lobby. But, don't forget I use simple little Zip Lock Sandwich bags for place my cards in as they are just the perfect size to hold a card!
These wonderful 4 pocket bags are $5.99 for 4 and just think with Hobby Lobby's 40% off coupon you can save a bundle and still stay organized. I use them for everyday scrapping too as I just hate choosing paper so it is easier to choose for a bunch of projects, and then move on to the good stuff like creating. Be sure to keep everything for a project together as it is much easier to assemble if you are not constantly searching for that special something!
I sure hope you enjoyed today's post and have learned something new. Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement and be sure to come back next Saturday as we go through my bag and all the goodies and tools that I pack as I go to Dallas for the Provocraft sponsored swarm... I sure hope I see you at the Stampede!


  1. Thank you for your video! I usually shy away from crops because I have all my "stuff" at home. But who knows..a little organization and I might give it a try! Enjoy Dallas :)

  2. Thank you so much for the tutorial. I have been doing this for the last couple of swarms I've been too. I'm getting ready to go to one at the end of April and I've already started filling my envelopes!


  3. Great video Sheila.....
    I always take to much to a crop, this will really help out with the next one I go to....

  4. Great ideas. Sheila. I have those CM folders and just love putting future projects in them. Can't wait to see more fun ideas this week!

  5. I wish we had crops where I live:(


Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement.