November 23, 2013

Let It Snow Christmas Card

Hello, today I am sharing a card that is from Simple Holiday cards. It looks so pretty and is so easy to make! Just cut it out at 5.5 inches and you have a perfect A2 card. I set mine 2 up on CCR and in no time at all I had 4 cards cut. I used the left over scraps to add color to the inside of the card.

See how easy it is to put these together! In less that a half and hour they were all put together. Now mind you it took about that long to cut them out.

Here is a close up of the front. Don't you love that sparkly glitter paper? It really adds to this card and makes it look special.

Here is a close up of the inside of the card. I sure am getting a lot of use from this stamp!

I hope you enjoyed today's post. Thank you for your sweet - sweet words of encouragement. You comments inspire me to continue sharing with you.


  1. Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. Love the bling.

  2. This card is really gorgeous. Love the glitter backing.

  3. So pretty! I love the sparkly background! BethAnn M.

  4. Beautiful winter card.

    Dianne Bell -

  5. These are beautiful - fabulous design! TFS

  6. Gorgeous! I just purchased this card so I'm very excited you make one!


Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement.