January 15, 2010

I Want To Go Skating With Willie

This is a photo of my entry for Cropping With The Stars from ProvoCraft, the Cricut.com Message Board. It was a lot of fun and will be placed in our Holiday Memory Book. I keep a frame on the console in our foyer and this layout will be on display through January.

'I Want To Go Skating With Willie', is special to my sister and I, as we heard this song over and over during the holiday season. I would even sing it to my children when they were little. I don't think they enjoyed it as much as Jackie and I did! I really hope that my grandchildren will remember this side of our personality, the whimsical side, as they grow older. I can only hope they love us half as much as Jim and I love them!!!

I really had a lot of fun with this layout and learned a lot from a very special lady, Miss Jennifer S. in my neighborhood. She taught me how to make the snow and was great for bouncing ideas around with her. Thank You, Thank You, Jen you are such a wonderful enthusiastic scrapping friend.

Here is the journaling in my project, I'm sure it will put a smile on your face.:

Grandma wants to share with you a little song that your Granny would sing to her during the holidays. My sister Jackie and I loved this little song when we were little girls. It was a must on cold snowy days. Oh how our minds would race. Can’t you just see the snow, the ice, can you hear the music? I can, it goes like this…

I want to go skating with Willie
    Cause Willie is such a good skate
I want to go skating with Willie
    When Will-Willie asks for a date

That Willie’s got me Willie-Nillie
    My poor heart is ready to break
I would like to go skating with Willie, but Willie,
    cause Willie is such a good skate.

We’d go gliding, sliding over the slippery ice
    We’d go sliding, gliding,
gee but that Willie is nice.

We’d go gliding, sliding gosh but that Willie is great
    I would like to go skating with Willie
Cause Willie, cause Willie is such a good skate!

Someday I hope you too will have fond memories of me singing this little song to you. You will smile every time you see a pond iced over, and you will remember this silly little song and how Grandma would sing to you, because I love you!

I have made no secret on the boards that I would love to win this contest, however my hat's off to the winner whom ever he or she may be, this is a very talented person. As you can tell I prepared this blog entry before the results were in. I just won't push the publish till the contest results have been announced. I feel privilidged to have even been considered in this contest. I hope you too will join me in congratulating the winners, as well as every person that entered this contest. My best to each of you!

For Gypsy Cut File: Sassy-Skating With Willie
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Thank you for leaving a comment! I do appreciate and am encouraged by them!


  1. I love your layout!! It is perfect! Your grandchildren are going to love this beautiful memory!

  2. Sheila, my second trip by here today .. LOL Anyway, couldn't wait to see your entry. It's jsut wonderful .. perfect holiday LO with the sleigh and horse. Love the gold and the forest and bling. Sorry you didn't get the gold from PC .. but it's a golden memory for you!

  3. Sheila...your layout is breath taking! I love the colors...so perfect. I see where you were trying to influence the judges with the "Golden" tone to this page...great subliminal message there you SassyLady!! LOL...I was hoping you would win that R2D2 machine. I would have just cashed it in for a pink one myself...you would have been more deserving!

  4. What a Lovely Well thought out layout. You are the Layout Queen.
    And I am so proud f you dear. You are A+ when it comes to static pages now.

  5. Outstanding! The detail is gorgeous. You did a fantastic job on this layout and should be proud of yourself, win or lose. Your family will love it.

  6. Wow sheila!!! IT LOOKS AMAZING!! This is my favourite digi designer and I LOVE YOUR BLOG BACKGROUND!! Great job :) :)

  7. Your entry is beautiful!! I love all the trees and the colors you used. It is a wonderful way to document the song and how you sang it to your children and grandchildren. I am sure it will bring great memories every time your family looks at your LO...

  8. Wow...I love the sparkle,pic,the trees..all the details are just stunning...I love the song and the memory..TFS

  9. Oh how beautiful your lo is.. I wish I was your neighbor so you could teach me.

  10. Simply beautiful LO, Sheila! Love the story behind it!! :-)

  11. Sheila, this honestly to me is a winning project. It is soooo gorgeous. YOu story made me teary. What a gorgeous tribute. I love it and I truly am sincere in saying this should have been a winning project. I am glad you enjoyed making it.

  12. Your layouts never cease to amaze me! Another gorgeous one, and I like the new look of your blog, too!

    Cricut Kisses!

  13. Sheila...this is my all time fave layout from you...I adore the memory...how precious and what a wonderful message to your grandbabies...I can't say enough about the design of the layout it is beautiful...good luck with the contest....I left you something on my blog...stop by and pick it up!

  14. Shelia,
    I saw this layout over on the Cricut MB and thought it was so very creative! You put a lot of work into it and I love every detail. What makes it even more special is the story behind it. Thanks for sharing your lovely layout and memories.

  15. this is fabulous! I love the dimension... the composition.... the colors.... everything! Fabulous!

  16. You already know how much I love this beautiful page, but I will say it again...this is an amazing page, it is FABULOUS!!! You are one talented lady and a great friend!

  17. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the CraftCrave Blog Cutting Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: [20 Jan 03:56am GMT]).

  18. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Cricut Freebies Search List, under the Elements post on Jan. 21, 2010. Thanks again.


Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement.