April 13, 2010

Special Card For A SPECIAL Family

This card I made is for me to tell you of a special little boy Sawyer and his family that is so dear to my heart... You see Sawyer needs a miracle, he needs a new liver as the one he has is failing. I am showing you this little card made of many components that we can run to the store and just purchase and easily put together.... we cut, we glue and we embelish to make it look pretty and we feel a sense of accomplishment when we have the completed project as these photos show.
But let's face it often times we are totally helpless to help those we love... this is one of those moments. The photos are here just to keep you reading, but the letter I share is from Sawyers mother and we can all identify with the cry of her heart...
This is the letter from Sawyer's Mom...

First of all, I want to thank you all for your love, support and prayers. They mean more to us that I can adequately express. Times have been difficult, God is seeing us through these times, He is our Comforter and Refuge.
We have had a lot of information to process since Sawyer had his MRA and GI scopes. Both of these tests revealed what is going on with Sawyer, and it's a lot. The MRA showed that Sawyer's once narrowed portal vein is now completely occluded, no longer allowing blood to flow. This has caused his portal hypertension to get much worse. Because of lack of blood flow in this area, Sawyer has a massively enlarged spleen, numerous varices (when these rupture they cause major GI bleeds), his liver is smaller than it should be, his liver is not able to keep up with Sawyer's growing body, it is not properly making the properties that clot blood, his platelets are dangerously low, and his PT/PTT are extended, meaning it takes his blood longer than it should to clot.
For the longest time we have been praying for a miracle for Sawyer, we prayed so hard, putting all our trust in whatever God's will is for Sawyer, asking, sometimes begging for God to heal Sawyer. Now more than ever, we are praying for a miracle. Sawyer's doctors in Atlanta are listing him for another liver transplant, it is the only way for Sawyer to get better, he NEEDS a new liver, portal vein, and IVC. Sawyer is a very sick little boy, he needs a miracle. I believe with all my heart that this is God's plan for Sawyer. I believe Sawyer will be healed after his second transplant, the doctors do too. His Dad and I believe, without a doubt, that God is in complete control, we put all our hope and faith in Jesus Christ alone. We ask that you pray along with us...for the perfect liver for Sawyer, for his physical healing, and for God to be Glorified through every situation.
Our hearts are heavy, this is not easy.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers! Please, please, please pray for Sawyer and our family...more than ever!
We are clinging to God's Word and trusting!
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
In HIS love,
Signed by Sawyer's Parents

As I said this is a SPECIAL REQUEST from our hearts, PLEASE PRAY FOR LITTLE SAWYER.
And if you could pass this request on to someone you know who prays please do! Please feel free to link this request to your blog and maybe just maybe we will have people all over the world joining us in prayer for a miracle for little Sawyer.
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Thank you for your love, and for your prayers.


  1. My prayers are with your friend and her family!

  2. Shelia I will be praying for little Sawyer. And i will ask my Bible study to pray. Please keep us updated

  3. Praying as I type! God does perform miracles!! :)


Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement.