July 10, 2010

Giveaway Winner announcement - Cartridge and Card!

Since Sassy is quite probably doing this on her vacation at beach
it is upto me Pam aka thebugbytes  Sweaty  to announce the winners of both the cartridge and Sassy's King Krabs oops sorry - crabs card. No I have not been watching Sponge Bob but hearing it from the other room where my son watched .

Now the winner of the cartridge giveaway is

Stephanie who said..

Send Sassy your address at shesasassylady@hotmail.com and she will get it mailed to you

Congratulations  both of you
Bye for now! Computing

"That card is just adorable I just ordered that cart today and can't wait to get it. That deer is one of my fav cuts. Your videos and instructions are great, easy to follow."

Stephanie - I will be contacting you shortly. You can contact me to from thebugbytes contact 
and as for Mr. Crabs
the winner is

CathyinMN  who said...

"This card is so cute! I know exactly who I want to send it to if I'm the lucky winner. Thanks for sharing!"


  1. Congrats to the winners, and thanks for the oppurtunity!

  2. Congratulations ladies enjoy your prizes!!!!

  3. Congratulations ladies! And Pam, thanks for the really cute post. My favorite emoticons are the first and second ones. I love it!!!

  4. Congrats to both of you!! Winning is such fun!!

  5. love your emoticons....cool!

    sassy...have fun at the beach....i can smell the salt hehehe...remember? i am from the Caribbean.

    congrats to the lucky winners.

  6. Congratulations, ladies.dreama


Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement.