October 30, 2011

The Kids Corner - Justin Makes A Birthday Card

Hope you are all having a great day. I want you all to meet my 9 year old grandson Justin. He will be showing you how he made this wonderful birthday card for his cousin Brianna. All my grandchildren love to craft and when ever I keep them for the day when there is no school or they are sick we have a craft period.

I sure hope you all enjoy Justin's video and give him plenty of blog love. We love your encouraging words and I am sure your comments will inspire Justin to keep crafting.


  1. Justin you did a great job :)
    Thanks for sharing with us!!

  2. Justin,
    Your card is so cute! You did a great job, love the earrings on the dog. Your cousin will love her birthday card!

  3. Justin you are a natural teacher!!! I love all of your tips!! Thanks for sharing how you made the card for your cousin!

  4. Well, you go, Justin!!! You did a wonderful job!!! I even learned something... lol!!!

  5. Very good job Justin... you did a FABULOUS job.

  6. Well Justin, you may just be 9 years old, but you are an "Old Pro"! This is a fantastic project!

  7. Such a sweet card. I'm sure your cousin will love it Justin. Fab tutorial x

  8. Justin, I know how you love crafting and making cards.... but now we can see you love sharing with people too. Love you, you did a GREAT job sharing with everyone you beautiful card.

  9. My son is almost 9 and his name is Justin too, but he doesn't make cards. Wow! I am impressed! Your card is adorable. I love how you put those fun rhinestones on the dog's ears. Great job, Justin! Thanks for showing us your work!

  10. Hi Justin. Granny here. You did a great job on the card. Brianna will like it since you made it just for her. Good job on the vidio. Love Granny

  11. Wow, great job Justin. You really are a natural and it's hard to believe you are so young.

  12. Justin created a fantastic card! love the bling he added to the dog! Great colors too!

  13. Hi Justin, your card is just adorable, I am sure your cousin will LOVE it!!!!!!
    you did such a great job on your video, thank you so much for all your GREAT tips.....
    I can't wait to see another project or video from you.....

  14. Oh, Justin! You are a great cardmaker! I loved your video! Your tips are so helpful. The little doggie card is so cute! Please continue to post your videos!

  15. Justin you did an awsome job on your card and video!! You are too cute and whitty!! I sure hope you do more videos with your helpful grandma!!

  16. Your bits and pieces look fabulous! I love the circles in the folder and DP with the robot!
    print plastic cards


Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement.