May 23, 2013

Just A Super Quick Graduation Card

Good morning, I sure hope all is well with you!. Well last night my handsome hubby says, "Do you have any graduation cards?" No mind you this is 8:30 at night and I have to get up and get to work.... So then he says "could you make one real fast?" Well our little grandson Justin graduated from 5th grade and no one told me about it! Can you imagine? It was 6th grade when we were raising our children so I was really surprised. Anyway, you know I had to put something together real fast...
So I reached for Create A Critter 2 and made my first card using it, from scraps none the less!

By the time I got up to my craft room it was a little after nine and I went right to work.  In less than a half of an hour this little cutie card was complete!

And our little Justin loved the card... I remember telling hubby, just put a little cash in it and he will love it! But he loved the card as it looked like his dog so he was a happy camper!
Hope you enjoyed my little post today. Have a blessed day!


Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement.