May 13, 2013

"U want 2 take me on?!" mixed digital double page

Hi all!  This is Melody from A Splash Here and There blog.  Thanks Sheila for allowing me to share with your readers once a month.  Today I'm sharing a couple of digital scrapbook pages I've been working on.  I refuse to skip years (I'm anal that way LOL!) in my scrapbooking, but since I've been so busy with other things I've been really behind.  These pages include pictures from 2008 (I know, sadly that's how behind I am).  I used the Creative Memories Storybook Creator 4 to create my pages, although at times I use the MyMemories Suite V4.  I have been fortunate to have a wide format printer (Epson Artisan 1430) so I print my own pages after creating them.  The picture above shows the finished pages, all ready to be inserted in their page protector sleeves in my 12 x 12 album. 

If you haven't tried digital scrapbooking, I highly recommend it.  What you see is basically what you print later, and you can basically layer to your heart's content, much like traditional scrapbooking. You can use a pre-designed layout, or you can create your pages from scratch, like I did here.  You don't really have to have your own printer either - there are other printing services other scrappers use, including Costco.  Or you can just choose to share your pages online too - totally your preference.  I like to have my pages in a regular photo album as is, or sometimes I add embellishments such as die cuts, ribbons, buttons, etc., much like I'd do in a traditional page.

Below are screen shots of my pages in the CM Storybook Creator.

The right side of the screens show you what pages I was working on. 
I like that I can switch back and forth from one page to another when
 I hit a creative block.  This way my unfinished pages are not cluttering
my craft table.   

After I'm done with the pages and ready to print, I make a .jpg copy.  This just allows me to to import my finished digital pages onto my Silhouette Studio, just in case I want to add a die cut or two.  This way I can size the die cut/s exactly how I would want it/them to look on my page. 

Here are my two finished digital pages side by side,
imported onto the Silhouette Studio.  The left side of
the page looks darker than the right side only because it's
"sitting" on the 12x12 mat view.

This screen shot shows you two Wii controllers, flood-filled
in white (left side of the page).  I used the game controller image
by Nathan Jenne (Design ID #15437), purchased from the Silhouette Store. 
As you can see, I sized two of the game controller images the way I
would want them to look.  I used my Cameo to cut the game controller images.  
And here are some closeups of the finished pages.
I used foam mounts to make the die cuts pop out of the page a little.

I used twine and white ribbon and scrap pieces of a beige
CS for the controller handles.

Hope you liked my project today.  Stop by my blog in the next few weeks as I show you more of my printed digital pages.  Thanks for stopping by at She's a Sassy Lady and have a wonderful week!  Till next time!  


  1. Thanks for the introduction to Storybook Creator 4. Lovely layout.

  2. What a great 2 page spread.... I too have been using a lot of digital as I am so far behind in my scrapping. These pages turned out great. Thanks for sharing today.

  3. Two fabulous LO's love the details and colours. TFS

  4. Thanks for the wonderful comments, ladies! Hugs!


Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement.