October 11, 2013

Masculine Birthday Cards

Hello, it's Danita from danitasdesigns.blogspot.com! Happy Fall Y'all!!!

For my project this month I decided to challenge myself by making cards for men.

I find masculine cards to be extremely difficult to make for me because I love adding bling to my cards and you can't add bling to a "man card"! I always try to get my husband's opinion on my cards, especially for males. I must have done okay because I didn't get the "that's too shiny" remark from him. Here's his birthday card, which by the time this posts he will have finally seen.  I stressed over this really bad!  It had to be just perfect for him. He's in a fraternity so this is him throwing up his fraternity sign. 
Here's the inside
I made this card for my daughter's boyfriend. I got the idea from a lady on You-tube (via my friend, Felisa) by the name of  Doreen.  You can see her video here. I am so appreciative of her sharing her idea with us.

                      The inside                                                              

The matching card box
This last one for today is really simple, but fun.  I got the inspiration from Pinterest.
It's a shirt card that I added little kerchiefs to.
Thanks for looking and please come visit me on my blog.


  1. Danita these cards are just great. I too struggle with masculine cards. Awesome! Thanks for sharing today!

  2. Fabulous 3, masculine cards I find are a real doosy, but you did an amazing job. TFS

  3. You are an awesome designer, Danita, and these cards are terrific.

  4. Wow, those are really impressive - so many different designs and patterns. Thanks for showing us - I really like the playing card design.

  5. Well, I'll be danged!!! AWESOME cards, Sista'! I'm off to check out your blog...I don't think I even knew you HAD a blog : P !!

  6. Wow, Danita, these are fabulous cards for men!!! For man-cards to be as difficult as they are I'd say you've mastered it!!! I'm very impressed!


Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement.