April 1, 2014

Dinosaur Window Card

Welcome to She's A Sassy Lady. Sheila here sharing this adorable little card that I shared at our card party on Sunday. I used Create A Critter and the Art Philosophy carts. I designed the card on Cricut's CCR.

Now wasn't that easy to put together?  And the card is darling and you know my grandson is going to love it!

Here is the card completed, don't you just lot the window with the circles. This is a Cuttlebug embossing folder.

Like all my cards I made them 2 up so there would be no wasted space on my paper and I can use the other card for an additional birthday card in the future.

I wanted to share how neat the inside of this card is.... no rough edges and it looks so cute.

Now remember I shared this card as a card party card so I cut 10 of these little cards and the girls loved them. As a matter of fact two of the girls needed girl cards so they added pink bows and a diamond necklace.

I hope you enjoyed my post today. Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement. Your comments continue to inspire me.


  1. So glad to see you back, Sheila! I really missed watching your videos. Hope things are going well with you!!

  2. I was so excited to see you back and videotaping that I forgot to comment on how adorable your card is. I just love it. He's so cute!!

  3. So good to hear your voice again, Sheila. The card is just too cute. Of course, your grandson will love it. Hopefully all our prayers will help you to a full recovery from all you've been through.

  4. So good to see a post and video - Lovely to hear you chatting away as you make this adorable card. Hope you are doing OK, sending you lots of hugs.

  5. Sheila, it's great to "see" you back and you sound as though you are now improving! The card is adorable, and I'm sure it was a happy time to be making things in your craft room, even if it took a bit longer. Prayers and good wishes for your speedy recovery, dear Lady. BethAnn M.

  6. Sweet little card, perfect for just about anyone. Love the idea of pink bow and diamond necklace for a girl! My sentiments chorus those of all other comments - glad you are back creating and having fun! Prayers and hugs.

  7. Sheila, your card is adorable! Even better, it is great to have you back at your craft table, chatting with us. Prayers and best wishes for your continued recovery. BethAnn M.


Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement.