April 9, 2014

Mommy's Baby Boy

Hello Everybody!!  Leslie here from scrapnlifeaway.blogspot.com and today it is my pleasure to share here at She's A Sassy Lady!!  I am so grateful to be part of the DT, thank you Sheila!!  Well, last month I shared a baby girl page, so it's only fair that this month I share a baby boy page!

My goal, now that my craft space is almost complete, is to use more of what I have on hand!  When I start a page, I like to lay out the papers to see how well they play off of each other!

Then I start cutting things up!  These pages are for an 8x8 album (there is a special story behind the making of this!) so I was limited as to how much I could embellish!  In my humble opinion (lol) I like to mat my pictures on black cardstock because it really can make your photos pop!!  The journaling was printed on plain white printer paper, I just changed up the colors on a few words to make it cute for a baby boy!

I really loved this journal spot!!  If you are making a little girl layout, you can just change the font color to what ever works with the colors in your layout!  And here is the final product:

The title was cut using George on my Cricut at .75 and the flowers were from my stash!  So this layout cost me nothing to make!  Everything I used were materials that I had on hand!  I hope that this project inspires you to create something special!  And if you want to know the story behind this layout, please stop by my blog at scrapnlifeaway.blogspot.com!  Have a great day everybody!!


  1. Beautiful LO's and I love the fabulous papers! TFS

  2. Thank you ladies so much for your comments!! I've been so focused on doing baby girl books, this is the first baby boy book I've really done for somebody else!!


Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement.