July 19, 2014

Meet 11 Year Old Sydney As She Creates Cookie Monster Treat Bags

Don't you just love these little Cookie Monster treat bags, well our little Sydney will show you how to put them together in the following little video. Each time we have a card party every person at the party receives a little gift just to feel special.
Now wasn't that easy? You can make them in little or no time at all.

Meet our beautiful Sydney
And this is how great our table looks with all the little treat cups and prizes near each place setting. Thank you for joining us today. Be sure to leave a sweet comment for Sydney.


  1. Great job Sydney! You did such a great job on Cookie Monster!!

  2. Sydney did a terrific job with her gift topper and making the video. What a cute idea to have the cookies come from the mouth of the Monster! Thank you and hope you have fun at your card party. BethAnn M.

  3. AWESOME SIDNEY! Loved your video!

  4. Such a great video, Sydney, and your Cookie Monster is terrific.


Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement.