July 4, 2010

New Blog Award

I have met so many wonderful people blogging and Barb at Crafty Girl is one of them. She is a lovely and talented beyond belief. You must take a few minutes and check out her blog! She is so sweet, she sent me this new blog award! Now I need to follow the rules and pass it along…
So... here are the rules:

This award comes with a set of rules...

1) Thank the person who gave it to you 2) Tell seven things about yourself 3) Pass the award on to five bloggers whom you think are fantastic.
  1. I am a Christian.
  2. I love my husband and family.
  3. I think grandchildren are the bestest and I should have skipped over having children!
  4. I am a major beach bum!! Give me a beach and I will post a sign saying NO I AM NOT A BEACHED WHALE!!!
  5. I love sweets.
  6. My house is always clean, but I don’t do outside work.
  7. My handsome hubby and I will celebrate 4 years of marriage this year. We were high school sweethearts.
Now I am to pass this on to 5 Fantastic Bloggers which is so imposible as there are so many.

Pam at The Bug Bytes.
Cheryl at Cheryls Window
Beatriz at Amazing Grace
Audrey at Cute and Some
Jeannie at A Place For My Cards

Please stop by these fantastic blogs and share some blog love with them!! They are all so wonderful and sweet!! Thank you for always being so kind and supportive!! I love all the super sweet comments you leave each day!!


  1. Thank you so much for this award! You are so sweet and always encouraging me. I am so glad we met and are in this wonderful craft journey together. Happy Sunday night!

  2. CONGRATS on your award, you deserve it!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful talent with others and all of the inspiration!!!!

  3. Sheila... I love your 7 things!! I think it is so fun learning more about my crafty friends!! You deserve this award for all the inspiration you bring to others!! Thanks for all of your support and encouragement!! So glad we met!!
    barb :)

  4. Oh, Sheila, thank you so much for this award. No, I hadn't received yours as I hadn't gotten to visit your blog this far back yet -- I've still been trying to catch up with everyone! I am so honored you thought of me and I'll make certain to publish the award as receiving it from you too!!!

    Thanks, again, mhy wonderful friend! And, although a bit late, congratulations on your getting this award too -- you deserve each one you receive!!! You have such a fabulous talent!

  5. Well, Sheila, I've finally caught up to this post!!! So sorry you had to tell me about it before I caught up to it on my return.

    Hugs, my dear friend! And, thanks again!


Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement.