July 3, 2010


This is so exciting... WE HAVE A CART GIVEAWAY happening here thanks to Pam at The Bug Bytes! Pam was our Sassy Designer yesterday and surprised us with this wonderful drawing and a SPECTACULAR design from the all new Cindy Loo cart. All you need to do is click HERE and it will take you to the entry where you can leave a comment to enter. Pam is such a sweetie and good friend of my and is tying to help my blog grow to 500 followers!!! Isn't that sweet? So don't forget you must be a follower to win. Just think that  by July 10th you could be owning a new cart to design with. Be sure to take a few minutes to look at all the other things on ShesASassyLady while you are here. We have a card drawing also that is happening right now that you could win also... just look to the top right and click on the little crab to enter to win it. And there are all types of design files for you to download too. Now don't forget to become a follower and click HERE to enter for you chance to win, and just think you get to see that SPECTACULAR card that Pam created too. Don't leave a comment on this post go HERE!


  1. I LOVE your blog~! I am really excited to watch what you do next!! Thanks for being such an inspiration!

  2. Thanks so much to Pam for the opportunity to win this giveaway, and best wishes to you in reaching your goal of 500 followers!

    kcmarlowe at hotmail dot com

  3. Wow, you have 483, getting really close..

  4. So glad I found your blog! #484 that is me Thanks for the giveaway.

  5. Love your blog and your ideas. I know I have downloaded a couple of your files (thanks so much for making them available). Still in the baby step stages of making things.
    Also love Pam's video's. She has really helped me learn to use my cricut and gypsy.
    Thanks, Debbie

  6. One step closer to reaching your goal. Great job!


Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement.