September 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Window Card

This is a cute little card that took only a few minutes to put together after you cut it out. The great thing is that it fits in an A2 envelope so it is easy to mail. I made this from scraps from the card I made for our little Sassy Sissy's 6th birthday.  I am so excited with this video as it is the best so far that I have done and easy to follow. See you are learning about cards and Sheila is learning to video tape what I do.

Here is a close up of the file I will be providing for you. Now just as a reminder this makes 2 cards. You do need to make a hand cut on another sheet of paper to fit the back inside of the card if your paper is not double sided so it looks attractive. The boxes shown are to write your sentiment on. This was so easy to make I thought well I have the female looking card I need to make one for guys!  So I got more paper and did a quick cut and packed each card in a little zip lock and put it in my little bag of tricks.

Well here are all the pieces. The paper is My minds eye and all is glittery so when you look at it in the light it just glistens.
This card is so easy as after folding all you need to do is glue the little pieces on... just that simple.
This is my inside back I cut with left overs from the beach layout. I inked the white sentiment with green. I wish I dad used the Ranger Marigold Distress ink but hind sight is everything!

Now doesn't this make a great man's card? Colors are more masculine and the stripes for the card base is perfect. Being a woman I do like the pink better, but this gives you an idea of the same design in two separate and very different colors look.
This is just a side view so you can actually see how this card glistens, and the cool thing is the entire card is like this!!!
There you go side by side, they sure look different be the male or female version this is a fun and easy card to make. This is your Sassy Happy Birthday 2Up Gypsy File and DS File. I sure hope you liked today's project and you come back and see us real soon.

I am always encouraged by your sweet - sweet words. Your comments inspire me to keep scrapping and sharing things with you.


  1. Sheila I felt like I was in your kitchen drinking my Diet Dr. Pepper with you!!! This card is so cute!! Love the two different versions of it!

  2. Sheila - this is so true once you have the design it's so easy to put together. These are so very cute - love your window cards! Great way to use scraps too which I was just thinking about this morning - I have way too many!

  3. Those cards are so cute and colorful! Very pretty. You're using DS? Or is that a Gypsy? I don't have either but will probably eventually get some kind of "helper".

  4. Sheila, love it!!! I love what you always manage to come up with using your scraps too!!!

    I agree, your video is very well done!!! You always do terrific, my friend!!!

  5. Wow, you just saved me. My brother's birthday is coming soon and I have so much trouble with masculine cards. Thank you for the file, I'm off to make this one.

  6. BEEEautiful card Sheila. Thank you for sharing! I don't mind if we learn together! Thank you!

  7. LOVE these beautiful cards!!!! I think that you do an awesome job with your videos and thank you for doing them!!!! Definitely going to try this one out - THANKS AGAIN!!!!!

  8. Sheila, You did a GREAT job on this video! I could see the whole project and your videos and your projects are such a joy to check every day!
    thanks and can't wait to see more
    BugHappy! from cmb

  9. sheila i love your videos! you're just sweet! great cards btw!


Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement.