September 11, 2015

Wedding Dress Shaped Card

Hey everyone...It is Sonya from Sonya's Paper Trail and do I have a pretty card to share with you today. Our family's first baby sitter is getting married in October and I wanted to create a special card for her special day.  

Check out this shaped card:

The card is a cut file from the Silhouette Online Store.  It has a rectangular back and a dress shaped front.  I used a dark grey for the card base and the rest of the papers are Neenah metallic papers.  I bought them at my local big box office supply store--so worth the money!  The papers are so shimmery and cut beautifully in my Cameo!

I added a few pearl accents, along with embossing so the dress was more interesting than just a flat piece of cardstock.

I think this may be my "go to" wedding card in the future.  So easy, yet huge impact.  Gotta love that!

Have a super day!



  1. Very pretty. I agree, it's a go-to wedding card.

  2. Beautiful in its simplicity. The embossing is particularly effective.

  3. Sonya, I love your wedding card, the embossing is perfect. Thanks for sharing with us.


Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement.