November 9, 2011

Time For Another Give Away & My Sunday School Christmas Pages

For the past few months… I have been playing with the digital software program My Memories Suite, a fun and easy to use program that allows me to create scrapbook pages in hardly any time at all. On this post you will see 11 pages that I created in no time at all!  It is hard to believe how easy it is to work this program and I am so excited that they gave me the opportunity to test this product and share it with you. This is definitely helping me catch up on my scrap booking! Now there is no way I will give up my Cricut but this sure helps get my pages done faster. My Memories Suite is a user friendly software program that will take any scrapbooker to a whole new level.

You just drop your photos into the photo box and it sizes the photo and crops it without touching a scissors or cutter, how awesome is that. These pages are pretty complete but I will add some glitter snowflakes that I cut from my Cricut and maybe a few embellishments and they are done! That simple... hubby says I should just slide the pages in the album and call it done.... we shall see.

I love to use my Cricut to create my cards, gifts and even scrapbook pages but I really love how simple it is to work this software. I have 40 years to scrap so this program is a God send for sure! I can quickly open up my album I'm working on, insert a new page, embellishment, change out the pictures, or even let the program fill the pages on it's own... I found that amazing. I actually did a 16 page album in less than 5 minutes filled with photos. All I had to do was journal! Now mind you that was just a test to see this program capabilities but I really could just print it and add a few embellishments. I like that I can just save my work and it will be right there waiting for me when I want to work on it when I have free time. I don't have to worry about putting it away it is right there for me when I turn my computer on.

 I was asked to review this program and give my opinion of what I thought of My Memory Suite, so here are some points that I found.
  1. Super EASY to work with.
  2. Great technical support. I called when I first installed the My Memories Suite software as I couldn't see the photos in my menu bar.... guess what I found out... my system was working on an old Java version and all I needed to do was download the new version and the software along with all software on my computer works better! They helped me every step of the way!
  3. Vast array of designs, papers, embellishments and more to work with.
  4. Fonts galore with shadow feature if you want.
  5. The ability to download for free or purchase more digital papers, embellishments and designs whenever I want.
  6. You Tube videos that help you along the way.
  7. A blog that shares all kinds of ideas, offers support and has challenges for it's followers.
Isn't this fun. I just can't get over how easy it was to make these pages. All I did was drop in the photos and add a little journaling as the pages were already there and waiting for me.
These photos are of our annual Sunday School Christmas party. We always have a wonderful time with friends. We start the festivities with a devotion followed by great food and wide it up with a white elephant gift exchange. I like to take plenty of photos and am amazed at how much we change each year. I look so different as I have lost 35 pounds since these photos were shot.

I am so excited as I get to give away one of these programs to one VERY LUCKY person!
Yes My Memory Suite is going to find it's home on one of your computers so you too can start making your very own scrapbooks, cards, reports or what every you can think up. And you too will see just how easy this is.
My Memories Suite has been kind enough to sponsor a GIVE-AWAY of one My Memories Suite software downloads to one She's A Sassy Lady readers….how exciting is THAT! That means that all you need to do is visit  My Memories site and tell me your favorite  digital paper pack or layout is and leave your comment on this post by Saturday November 12th at 3pm CST. I'll draw a lucky winner (via and announce the winner on Sunday the 13th. The winner will receive a unique download code to be able to download the software onto their computer. Then they will then be able to design and create to their hearts content. This is such a great opportunity for one lucky She's A Sassy Lady viewer. Now remember you don't have to be a follower, but we sure would like it if you were.

Can't wait.... well the good news is that My Memories Suite is allowing me to offer you $10.00 off on the purchase of this wonderful program!!!
That's right $10.00 off! So with this special code (STMMMS32096) you pay only $29.95 for this fabulous software. Regular price $39.95 minus $10.00 using the Promo Code makes it only $29.95!! This software is so worth it! Just click HERE to get your software. But that's not all the coupon is also good for $10 off for the store! That's a $20 value just for using this code!!!  Be sure to use this code during check out and you're all set. After you pay, the download will begin and you will be using this awesome digital software in no time flat!

Remember your software will only be $29.95 with this special code.

Here is a video that will show you how impressive this software program is.... I found this video on My Memories Suite's website.
My grandchildren just love our photo albums and can't understand what takes so long to put a page together. With only 1 day off per week and Sunday you know I don't get much scrapbooking done. Well with My Memories Suite they are now fascinated with all the new pages in the house for them to look at.
I sent these pages to Costco for printing and turned out great so I sent them more... I sent them 22 pages in just the first week! Don't you love it? Now be sure to leave a comment as one lucky reader will win a FREE copy of My Memories Suite to cherish.

And don't forget to use the unique promotional code (STMMMS32096)  to take advantage of $10.00 off this My Memories Suite and another $10.00 off at the store!

Thank you for your sweet - sweet words of encouragement. Your comments continue to inspire me. Now don't forget to leave a comment and tell me what your favorite digital paper or layout is! You might be our lucky winner!


Jennifer Gr... said...

I just love these pages and really could use something that looks as easy as this to do. I like the fall packages the best. Now because I am the first to comment, you need to pck me!

Kraftychick said...

I sorta do a hybrid scrapbooking style, using digital elements while still using the classic techniques. This software does look easy to use and using Costco for printing is an interesting idea - would love to give it a try so please put my name in the pot! Thanks for the chance!

jkraftchick at triad dot rr dot com

mfc.melissamade2 said...

Wow more fun layouts! Love the design on this one - so gets me in the mood for Christmas. I would love to see one of these printed out! Gorgeous!

Pesky said...

Your layouts are very pretty. I would love to get pages done this quickly. It would take me years and years! lol

Stacy said...

Your layouts are very pretty and what a pretty family you have.
Thanks for sharing
Hugs, Stacy

Unknown said...

Thanks for the link and code Sheila, I just ordered mine, it is downloading as I type :)
Your pages inspired me so much, I just had to try for myself

Unknown said...

I just started using MyMemories and found it surprisingly easy to use!!! I really like your Christmas album pages ~ do you recall the name of the paper/album kit you use?? I think I NEED it!!!! Your pages look so much better than mine as I am a rookie!!!

Dan and Heather said...

Oh, I just love these pages and I can't get over how fast you did them. I really need to get this program! I like the birthday pages.

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Lori, these pages are free they come with the program! That is what I love about it, so many freebies!

Carol's Creations said...

What a cool program...I think my favorite pack was called A Halloween Pack. Thanks for the opportunity to win the program.

Barb Smith said...

I love the Empty Nest Pack by Snickerdoodles. It has all the elements of birdhouses and has an outdoors feeling. Love it. Thanks for offering this awesome prize.

Unknown said...

All I can say is WOW WOW WOW!! First - big congrats for you, 35 is a lot! Second - your pages are stunning! I love your idea of adding a little something extra after printing your pages.
I checked out the website & all the packs are beautiful. I choose "A Good Read" from the Vintage collection as my favourite, I'm a vintage chick =) One of these days I'll give digi a try!
Thank you for the generous discount & the giveaway. Of course I'm a follower!

jim_candice at yahoo dot ca

Anonymous said...

I would love to try this program.Your pages are wonderful. I love the Halloween and Christmas Traditions. Actually they're all great.

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Absolutely gorgeous layouts Shelia... I am sure whoever wins this software is going to love it.

CathyinMN said...

Your pages look so clean and professional. I would really like to try this software. I've been sort of afraid to try digital scrapbooking. But, Wow! You expect us to have a favorite from their line?! That's impossible. I only got as far as the first screen and had found at least four or five packs that I feel are must haves such as -- Christmas Traditions, October Paper Pack, Walk in Splendor, etc., etc. Thank you so much for a chance to win this awesome software!

waidc said...

You've made this look veeerrryyy interesting :)
I like all of the Christmas packs. So nice of you to offer this prize.

Cricutcrazylisa said...

Looks interesting...gotta love technology!

Audrey Frelx said...

What beautiful pages!!! And the pictures are equally beautiful!!! One of these days I'm going to overcome my "intimidation" to do!!!

Audrey Frelx said...

What beautiful pages!!! And the pictures are equally beautiful!!! One of these days I'm going to overcome my "intimidation" to do!!!

Cricut Couple said...

Oh Sheila! That's so cool that they are giving you another copy to give away! YAY! I won a copy of this on Cindy Royal's blog! I can't wait to download it! I just love all of your pages that you made with it! Can't wait to see more!!!

Cricut Couple said...

BTW... If my name comes up as the lucky winner, please select another follower and bless them with it since we already have a copy. Forgot to mention that in our other post. Blushing... Hugs! Bobby

Anonymous said...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the Cutting category today [10 Nov 02:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria said...

Super great pages Sheila! I too have the software and find it very easy to use (do not enter me on the giveaway)

Claudia said...

I haven't tried any digital scrapbooking but have been anxious to try. You inspire me!
claudia matzke at hotmail dot com

CrafteA said...

Hi Shiela, the software looks awesome! So many packs to choose from that it's so hard to deside! If I should win then I would choose It Happened This Year. Thanks for the opportunity.
Crafteanna @ aol dot com

Anonymous said...

My favorite kit is "It Happened This Year" and thanks for a chance to win.
Dawn RI

Misha said...

I've been wanting to try some digital scrapbooking, but I'm intimidated by the programs I've seen. This looks easy enough to manipulate without having to sign up for classes. My favorite kit (right now) is called Crisp Days. Love the warm colors of the papers.