July 5, 2012

My Memorial Day Pages

Well we had a blast on Memorial Day Weekend. We actually had family from Chicago come and visit so it was a really special time for all of us. My husband's sister Susan and her husband Greg spent a few days with us. We always stay with them when we go up north, so it was nice to reciprocate.
It was in the lower 90's so we spent the afternoon and evening in the pool just relaxing and spending time together. Our little pool hasn't been up for long so the water was really refreshing.

It was kind of funny because we had 2 floats and 3 recliners as well as noodles in the pool so we used up the space we had and laughed and laughed when one of us would 'accidentally' fall off a float. Good times for all of us. One of the things I love about living in Alabama is our long long summer. I love the beach and the pool.

I love that I was able to get on line and in a matter of just a few minutes I could produce these wonderful pages. You see I am so far behind in scrapping that I seem to be doing a lot of digital pages just to keep up. The good news is with the help of Studio J on the Close To My Heart Site I am able to keep up with this years events, and I love that. All you do is upload your photos, pick your layout and papers and just drag the photos onto the layout.... can't get much easier than that.

Look how sweet these pages are. The only thing I am missing is my grandson Justin in these photos as since he turned 9 he seems to shy away from the camera and I really don't like that. I will do better the next time as he is so handsome I don't want to miss him in any event. I love the little photo of my little Gavin with his goggles on don't you?

I chased my son around and got 5 photos of his back and he finally said here and posed for me! That's where Justin gets it! Two handsome guys just playing hard to get I guess! teehee

Well that is today's post. I hope you enjoyed it. Here at She's A Sassy Lady we like to give you all kinds of alternatives for crafting. We consider scrap booking be it traditional or digital part of that. We also consider it something to treasure for a lifetime. I hope you keep your memories alive in your albums too.
Thanks you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement. Your comments inspire me to continue sharing with you. Have a blessed week.


Lisa said...

What awesome layout pages. Love the papers you chose. Everyone looks like they were having a blast.

Annette said...

Great layout! Digital definitely sounds like the way to go to speed up the process:)


Charlotte C said...

Thanks for sharing your wonderful family with all of us. I am kicking myself for deciding not to get Studio J for last year's photos - yep, I'm really behind - because now I need sooo much time to catch up and your pages are terrific. Ah, live and learn.

Gina Casey said...

Hi Sheila! TFS your LO with us. Looks like a great time was had by all! Seeing photos of the family inspires me to work on my scrapbooking more! Have a great day!

Yoshiras time to craft said...

Beautiful LO.Looks like you and guest had a fun time.

Karons Krafty Korner said...

Fabulous layouts Sheila - thanks for sharing your family time. :-)

Sandy from Ukiah said...

i think if i didn't have tons and tons of paper i might consider going digital..love your layouts...

Unknown said...

Lovely pages Sheila!!! Sun-bathing beauties!!

Nicole said...

Love your layout!! Looks like you had a lot of fun !!

doodlingdebbie said...

Fantastic layout!You certainly grab the viewers interest with this very well put together layout.I'm not a scrapbooker but I could look at great layouts the day long. :) What fun you all were having and the sentiment "Family Is Everything is so true.