January 21, 2016

Dragon Lamp

I am so excited that Sheila has invited me back to be one of her guest designer's.  I hope you enjoy making this beautiful lamp.

So let's just get started putting this together.  I have definitely learned alot about uploading videos and that I definitely need to find another way to do my videos.   

We are getting closer... My grandson suggested I get a webcam.  I am thinking that might be better than what I am doing... if Sheila lets me come back again after this mess.  (I am sorry that my hands in the way so much)

I am sure you are totally confused now with now I am doing this.  I thought if I had some of the lamp put together before I started taping it would be faster, but it isn't.  My silly camera keeps shutting off, which is making me very nervous.

I hope you are still hanging in here with me... I am confusing myself, but I am hope you will get inspired to make one of these beautiful lamps yourself, it really isn't as hard as I am making it.

We really are getting close to be done, if this camera will just stay on.   I hope you weren't too discouraged my my videos... Mary at SVGCUTS.com has videos on all her amazing projects, but I wanted to try to show you that even if you aren't a professional you could make one, I am sorry my videos were so confusing.  But truly, they are not that difficult to do.  I definitely need a new way to make videos.  Going to look into the webcam.

Thank you again for hanging in there with me as I struggled with these videos and I hope that you did learn something from all my mistakes and that you are inspired to try something new.

  I am really pleased with how it turned out.  I made one for each of my kids, I attached a prayer that I pray for each them on the bottom of the lamp.   


Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Sandy this lamp is just elegant. I love everything about it and I am thrilled that you shared it with us today. Thank You.

Regina said...

That is a beautiful lamp. Thank you for doing the videos. I want to try something like this.

Unknown said...

Thank you for having me on your blog Sheila. And I hope you try making the lamp Regina... it really isn't as hard as I made it. :-)

Krafthead said...

Beautifully done!

Boopster said...

Wow! This is a beautiful project. Then I read you made FOUR of them - one for each of your children!! Holy cow - truly amazing. Thanks for sharing your wonderful talents with us.

Charlotte C said...

You did a gorgeous job on these lamps, Sandy. Thanks for sharing with us.