September 11, 2011

We Have A Winner

It is always exciting to announce a winner for blog candy! Thank you everyone for such kind kind words about She's A Sassy Lady. All of us here thank you for coming back each and everyday. We just wish we could give out more carts today! Well I used my camera on my phone again take a photo of the random generator as I can't figure out how to just copy and paste it as a stand alone photo so... Our lucky winner is:   Adele said...

Well what a wonderful surprise:)
Thank you Sheila, for the chance to win :)

I come to your blog first thing each and every morning, waiting to see what has been design to inspire us, I just LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog and Design Team :)
Please keep up the great work you people do:)

Now all you need to do is contact me at with your name and address  so I can get this in the mail to you. I can't wait to see what you make with this awesome cart.


Leah said...

Congrats Adele!!!

SherriC. said...

Congrats Adele!!!!!!

Peggy T. said...

Congrats, Adele. Sheila, if you figure out how to post the random generator, please let me know. I can't do it either.

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Congrats to Adele...

Cricut Couple said...

Congratulations Adele! You will love all the label shapes on the cartridge! They are FANTASTIC!!!

Audrey Frelx said...

Congratulations, Adele!!!

Audrey Frelx said...

Hi, Sheila!!! If you still haven't found out how to place on your blog, let me know and I'll email you how to do it. You have to use your Snipping Tool located on your in your Windows "Start". Let me know if you still need help.