December 2, 2009

Jesus Is The Reason For The Season

I love this Christmas page. It is wonderful not only as a Christmas decoration for the holidays, but when thats over I will place it in my scrapbook for the start of the Christmas section. I spent a lot of time designing the page on my Gypsy, around 3 to 4 hours.

This was my entry for the Gyspy Cricut Board Contest that ended December 1st. This took 3rd place in the contest!

I used a frame that I purchased from Creative Memories 4 years ago that was never used, it was perfect for this project. Please follow the instructions and the Gypsy file is available for you also.

Materials:             4 sheets of 12x12 cardstock/paper your choice of color.
                            1 Sheet 8 1/2x11 white cardstock.
                            1 small 5x5 scrap paper
                            skittles, diamonds amout per taste
                            frame of your choice - I used CM as after season over I will insert page in my scrapbook
                            to start Christmas pages.

Carts: Gypsy Font, Gypsy Wonderings, Joys Of The Seasons

Worked design on a 12x24" mat on the Gypsy to allow more room to maneuver letters and switched to 12x12 after completed.
  1. Outline square at 8", surrounded by shadow letters from GF at 2" high on the page 1 of my LO. All letters welded together. Many times letter widths were changed to make the word fit.
  2. Using the cutout GF at 2" height form letters in a square. This time adjust each letter to individually place to insure perfect shadowing, again many letters will need to be adjusted to fit within the outline letters. I did weld letters so not every letter is placed individually.
  3. Another square is made this within the 2nd page this time at 7 1/2" allowing it to float on page and background square to show through as a shadow.
  4. On page 3 on my gypsy I used JOTS for a light piece of greenery at 3.64wx1,12h forming a square centered over the prior two welding it together for one cut. I also cut 4 strips at 1/4" wide from this left over paper so don't throw out.
  5. On page 4 I made the words King 1.25h and Lord 1.5h to hang on frame. Also on separate sheet, The Christmas story from Luke was printed on the 8 1/2x11 sheet of paper.
  6. Put together, shadow letters first, ornately cut letters next, colored square place on top of shadow square. Then place 1/4" colored strips within both squares so the shadow color doesn't overwhelm. Add greenery and place diamonds and skittles to your preference. Then center Bible passage under the squares as if framed.
  7. Flip over adhere double sided foam squares and attach to your background paper. Frame or place in your scrapbook.
Here is a link for Jesus Is The Reason For The Season. Here is the link for the PDF Bible Passage in Luke on the Birth Of Jesus. Registered & Protected

Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement! I do appreciate and am inspired by them!


scrappingnana said...

What a gorgeous project. Congrats on winning 3rd place.

Judy said...

This is so beautiful!

Sandy said...

I love this and am so happy for your win...thanx for following my personal blog and SOUS...I have you on my blog list now so I'll stop by as often as I can...cus I love your work!

Anonymous said...

Love it!! Thanks for gypsy file.

Scrappin Melissa said...

This is stunning. I'm getting a gypsy for Christmas so I hope I can try this out. Thank you for sharing your hard work with us and congrats on your 3rd place win!

Sandi Clarkson said...

I didn't know that you had started a blog. How exciting! Thanks for following Stuck on U Sketches. (We are having some great tutorials this month.) You already know that I love this project but am thrilled that you took third and what's more .. spreading the message of hope to others! Okay, back to the Gypsy forum ,, I am trying to decide whether to take the plunge!

Sue Lelli said...

I LOVE that you will you this also as a scrapbook page. It is a FABULOUS project! Well Done!

magicwanda said...

This is sooooo AWESOME !
Thanks for joining us at Practical Scrappers

Jamie Lane Designs said...

Wow - this is just beautiful! Great work.

snippy said...

I absolutely love this project. I'm gonna try
this. I also, have the frame from CM. Never
used it yet. Thanks !!!

Scrapnbits said...

ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL !! Thank you for sharing this with us.

Gwyn said...

Good Morning... just surfing the internet for Gypsy ideas as I received one as a gift this Christmas. I came upon your blog because of this beautiful project. We are celebrating Christmas with my husband's family in one week so I have time to recreate this project. I hope it works out the way I envision it. Just wanted to say thank you for the hours you spent working this out and for sharing it.