April 13, 2010

A Snails Pace - Mirror Mirror On The Wall Challenge Entry

Look at her batting those beautiful eyelashes at you! This is this week Cricut Gypsy-Chat MB entry and it is soooooo simple, let me walk you through. Don't you just love all the pearls on her shell! All dressed up!
Now down to the nitty gritty. I placed all 4 items on my mat. Then I moved the shell and snail below the 2 outline snails. I then concerned myself with the positioning of the outlines. I laid them 1 on top of the other until the lines overlapped to make sure they were even. I used the arrow keeys to move the top one over a little and then flipped it and kept it moving till the backsides were just overlapping slightly. As the pieces were already grouped together I just tapped each out line with the weld button, checked the preview to make sure they would cut properly and then concerned myself with the size.
Sizing was a little trickier. First I dealt with the width, making sure the shell and the snail were under the welded piece I adjusted JUST THE WIDTH to 11 inches. Then I took the little snail and shell and placed it within the outline. I tapped the outline and adjusted JUST THE HEIGHT to 4.25 inches. I then positioned my pieced on the mat for cutting.
Here are the papers, aren't they yummy? The new DCWV Songbird Stack. I just had to used these bright colors.
As soon as I cut the base I scored it. Note I like this paper so much I cut 2 cards...
With papers cut and scored I put the little pieces together.
On one I added this beautiful green ribbon... it didn't lay flat as it was a little ruffley so it worked great n this.
Then I added her beautiful eyes... Elizabeth aka Makeupgirl217 of 217 Creations will be sooooo jealous of her madeup eyes..... Last seen at the doll section of the local HL for only 99 cents or a bag!
Just a closer look at the beautiful paper.
Then I continued and added pearls to the 2nd snail... so elegant looking.
Sure hope you like today's post, this is one that I really enjoyed as it was so simple yet is soooo cute. I am finally expanding the number of cards that I have on hand at home. but I do need to keep working on it as I still am not ready for all occasions. This is the Sassy Snails Pace File and this is the Sassy Snails Pace DS File.
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Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement. Your comments continue to inspire me.


217 Creations said...

How adorable!!!!

Melissa said...

Everything about these cards are super duper cute! From the eyelash goggly eyes to the use of the ribbon and pearls!

papillon digital design said...

adorable. Is she winking at me? Love those eyes. I do have tons of those. I like the lashes too and got them and put them on a giraffe...So long ago ... It was cute. I love how you have adorned the shells. Lovely. maybe you should make a zoo with all animals. Create a critter and zooballo is a must for you

Joanna said...

OMG!! I love these! there are sooo soo cute!

Sandy from Ukiah said...

So so cute Shelia, you did an awesome job.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sheila, this is super cute! I think I am in a similar boat with you when it comes to ready on hand cards!
I have a whole group of half done ones too! LOL!
But these guys are super cute and I love the 2 shell designs!

Beatriz Farquhar-Guzman said...

Sheila, this is just awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Love it, love the colors, the ribbon, everything is just fabulous!

Sharon said...

These are just too too cute!!! :)

Carol said...

totally cute, cute, cute! Now this is the way to dress up a snail ... and those eyes! I need those eyes! =)

Audrey Frelx said...

Sheila, she is just so darn cute!!! with those long eyelashes, she's a bit sexy too!!! lol!

CuddlyBunny said...

You're correct -- those papers are CRAZY pretty!

Ladybug said...

OMG, that is just toooooo stinkin' cute!! TFS!

- - Sheryl - - said...

Oh my - these are fabulous! Thanks for your entry on Cute and Some