April 1, 2010

Sunshine Award x 2

My goal with having a blog was to share my love for crafting with others that have the same interest and to teach what I have learned hopefully passing that same passion on. Now I have been presented with yet another award! I can’t imagine this is the 6th award and some I have received in duplicate! It amazes me that you can get an award for something you love to do!!!! Well the lovely and extremely talented Barb over at Crafty Girl passed on this amazing Sunshine Award to me!! How sweet is she?!! Barb is amazing, I met her just a couple of months ago and along with admiring her amazing talent she has become a blogging friend! If you haven't visited her blog, you need to check it out!! Her pages are always amazing!!! She loves bling almost as much as I do!!
Well - well I have just received this award for the 2nd time! Thank you Debbie from Debbie's Scraping Corner. Debbie like myself loves scrapbooking and her family is her inspiration and it just doesn't get better than that. I home you take a few minutes and go take a look at her blog.
Now... I get the privilege of passing this award on to 12 new people. So.... here is who I would like to share a little sunshine with....
  1. Pam – The Bug Bytes
  2. Audrey – Cute and Some
  3. Sandy – Sandy From Ukiah
  4. Jen - Java Jen Creationss
  5. Beatriz – Amazing Grace
  6. Lori – Scrappin My Stress Away
  7. Beth – Thunderbirdlindy by Design
  8. Beth – 217 Creations
  9. Cheryl – Cheryl’s Window
  10. Becky – My Journey To Creativity
  11. Cindy – Scraptastic Addictions
  12. Lori- Scrapbook Queen 


217 Creations said...

Thanks Sassy!!!!!! You are a ray of sunshine!!!

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Thank you for thinking of me Shelia, I will try to get this posted tomorrow.. and I agree 'you are a ray of sunshine'...

Beth said...

Thanks Sheila, I love it. You are a very kind person.

Cheryl Boglioli said...

Thank you Sassy, so much. I'm sorry it has taken me so long to reply and post on my blog, but I finally did. Love your rays of sunshine you send out.