August 10, 2012

Vacation On Panama Beach

Well here we are under the umbrella enjoying another wonderful afternoon at the beach! We had so much fun just playing around in the water for hours at a time and then taking a little nap. Then we would be back in the water and start all over again. We looked a little rough but that is OK, we were doing what we love to do and everyone was busy doing there own thing.... guess my fat didn't matter! LOL We literally spent the entire day at the beach every day for a week!
These pages only took an hour to put together and I spent most of the time deciding which photos to use. That is always the hardest part for me. I used Close To My Heart's digital program called Studio J and was thrilled to see they have more layouts, patterns and papers to choose from and you don't even need a membership! How nice is that? For only $39.95 you get what is called a 5 pack which is 10 full pages. I love it! The quality of the pages is unbelievable.

Here is the second page. We had our grandsons Justin and Gavin with us along with my son Jason, his wife Regina, her sister Christina and her husband Stephan both from Germany. They loved the white sand the gulf offers.  We really had a lot of fun and as always I wish that I had taken more photos of our trip.
I love how all I have to do with these pages is just drag the photos I want onto the page and the program does all the cropping for me! If I don't like it the program will allow a manual crop that is so easy that even I can do it.

Well here is what the two pages look like side by side. Not bad for an hours work! I love how coordinated the pages are and no messed up lines! And look at the photos, I was able to use various sizes. Yup, I really like this Studio J 5 Pack.
Thank you for joining us today, I hope you enjoyed today's post. Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement. Your comments continue to inspire me to share with you.


Annette said...

Love the layout and color scheme! Looks like you guys had a blast:)
My Mind's Dust Bunnies

Karons Krafty Korner said...

Fabulous LO's Sheila and such fun photos, looks as if you had and awesome time:-)

Charlotte C said...

Oh, gotta get me that Studio J. Great photos, Sheila. We'll be away for two weeks taking lots of pictures which I definitely will do online with CTMH.

Nicole said...

This layout looks great and it looks like you had lots of fun!!
I' m going to have to give Studio J a try.

Candy said...

Fabulous layouts Sheila! You look super happy! So glad you had a such a great time you water baby!!

Ruth Pearson said...

'so glad you have a fabulous time!! a week on the beach is my kind of livin'!! - and am glad you are back - though your "subs" were great too!!

mfc.melissamade2 said...

Beautiful layouts those fun and bright colors. You and Jim are just too cute!

Loving My Crafts said...

It shows how much you enjoyed yourselves so great job. Lovely layout.

Audrey Frelx said...

Sheila -- what fat?!!! You guys look happy and adorable!!!

The layouts look great with those fun pictures! The colors are great!

So glad you had a wonderful time, my friend!

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Great layouts Shelia. I would live to try the digital, but I have so much paper and all my pictures are printed out.

Migdalia said...

Have a Fabulous and Fun time!!!Awesome layout!!

Anonymous said...

Your pages look fantastic! That footloose paper is adorable and looks great with your photos. Glad you got some time to relax!

doodlingdebbie said...

Your layout is great! It looks like everyone I had a blast. Now I'm even more anxious to get to our Florida vacation.

Unknown said...

LOVE these photos!!! Love your layouts!!! Looks like you had an awesome vacation!!

Cricut Couple said...

How perfect are these?!? What a great design with that footloose paper and the pictures look like so much fun!