May 13, 2015

Easy Peasy Scrapbooking LO with Design Space

Hi!  It's Christine from I am Cocoa's Mom sharing a layout with you today.  I have been inspired by Sheila (AKA Sassy Lady) to work on my scrapbooking again.  It is, as Sheila demonstrates, all about preserving those memories and that's what counts rather than fabulous pictures showcased by fabulous pages.  (Not that she doesn't do those too - check this page out!)

So, I started working on last year's Spring Break trip to the Oregon coast and 3 pages later, I discovered the joy and ease of scrapbooking with the ready made pages in Design Space.  Bingo!

As you can see, I started with a double page LO as my canvas and added the Happy Trails image from "Family Album" resized to fit the canvas.  Then I duplicated and mirrored the image and added it to the second page of the canvas.

The fun part was the adding and deleting images and making the basic LO work for the pictures that I wanted to add. 

After syncing the colors, cutting and removing the pieces from the mats, it was soooo easy peasy to follow the Design Space screen and assemble my LO.  And yes, I did change things around a bit more before gluing!

Here's the first page

and the second.


When DH saw my pages he said,  "That was a great cache, wasn't it?  Took forever to find!"   And THAT'S the reaction I want for my pages.    I will be using "Family Album" for more LOs for inspiration and as the starting point for this scrapbooking novice.

If you've never tried geocaching, google it!   It's a great family activity, free, and fun!  Watch out for Muggles!

Thank you Sheila for inviting me to share on your blog today and for all the inspiring you do.   : ) Christine


Java Jen's Creations said...

I absolutely LOVE your tutorial!! Isn't Design Space just the best!! I love it, too!! Thanks so much for sharing today!!

Charlotte C said...

Wonderful post, Christine. I didn't even know there was a Family Album cart in the subscription. I have the CTMH Artbooking cartridge. I have to try it in DS.

Michele said...

Didn't know there was a family album but looks so fun when you do it that I will definitely try it!!!
Thanks so much!
Your layout is wonderful and enhances the photos of your trip.

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

This is just wonderful! Don't you just love scrapping with design space? Enjoyable post.