February 19, 2016

23 Cards At This Craft Party!

Welcome to our card party. This is the food table to the left as you walk in. As you can see it is filling up with goodies. We had more food at this party that any other! That's because we had more people and it was also a shower for Abby. Anita and Abby are the hostesses (good way to surprise Abby) and Amy at May May Made It is letting us have the first craft event at her cottage! This is a picture heavy post so join us and have some fun and I will introduce you to the ladies.

This is the table at the right and as you can see that is filling up too. That is a box of Gigi's cupcakes there in the corner. This is really going to be good. We have many more people to come and Anita our hostess is getting food ready in the kitchen.

This is Amy - May-May's craft room as well as the place she video tapes from, awesome isn't it?

This is the other side of the room that she store all her supplies in. It is a very nice size, jus perfect for crafting.

Well here we are moving in to the craft tables setting up our little corner of the craft table. In the front you see Anita, she must be talking with someone.

 Here is Dorothy setting up her area. I will be seated back in the corner next to Jennifer who is in the corner. We had a blast.

I was busy walking around and found the store, with Vinnie hard at work filling others and probably having a hard time concentrating with our big mouths.  I found the stamp sets I want!!!

Aren't these cards beautiful? I love every one of them. I say that after every part and they are beautiful.

Here we are and that is my seat next to Jennifer and as you can see I am all set up. I have 2 ATGs so I won't run out of tape in a contest!

Here is Laura and Dorothy setting up their spot.

As you can see the table is filling up, just waiting for me to stop taking photos and Angie to come and sit down along with our hostess!

Look at this Maymay Made It now has shirts to wear.

Here is Anita giving me the sign to say surprise as everyone is seated including Abby and we have done 3 cards so she doesn't suspect a thing.

Abby was so excited, she couldn't believe this was a shower for her and it was going to all be crafts! She said her and her mom (Anita) would go over to the house she is moving into after the wedding and set up a craft room on Thursday evening. She love every gift.

I only took 2 shower photos as it was impossible to get Abby to turn and hold them up for us and we decided this is what we were going to do at every party. Some lucky lady will get showered with gifts if her name is drawn!

Ok, it is break time and we are eating. I hurried to get everyone done, because with 23 cards that was important! I kept rushing every one and got nick named the card Nazi!

Oops, more shower photos. Abby showed us every big and little item and was so excited.

Almost done with the gifts now.

Well here I am with my daughter Jennifer. We took time to take photos of everyone during the shower by passing the camera.

This is Patricia.

This is Alison.

My daughter Jennifer.

 This is Jeannette.

 This is Angie.

This is Anita.

This is our bride, Abby.

And this is Amy of Maymay Made It and So Did I.

This is Laura.

This is Dorothy.

Tried as I may I can not connect the photos with the right person. So here goes. Patricia's card on the left and Dorothy's on the right. For a close up just click on the photo.

Dorothy's picture frame card on the left and Amy's cross card is on the right.

On the left is Amy's card and on the right is Alison's card.

Both of these photos are Abby's card. The left one is the inside.

The card on the left is Alison's and Jennifer's is on the right.

This is Jennifer's birthday cards.

 Both of these cards are Laura's.

Both of these cards were designed by Angie.

Both of these cards are Jeanette's.

 These cards are Anita's. We are always thankful for her birthday cards.

 Both of these cards are mine and both are encouragement cards.

The card on the left is Patricia's card and on the right is Dorothy's picture frame card.

The card on the left is Abby's card and on the right is mine.

I know this has been a long post. I sure hope you enjoyed and felt like a part of our party. Thank you for your sweet-sweet words of encouragement. Your comments continue to inspire me, Have a blessed day.


Charlotte C said...

The only thing wrong with your post, Sheila, is that I could not be part of that great party! Darn, I may have to move to Alabama. Looks like you ladies had soooo much fun, and the cards are beautiful. Thank you for taking the time to share all of this with us. And congratulations to Abby.

Boopster said...

What a fun party! You all look so happy and excited it's nice to imagine being there with you. I'm with Charlotte - too bad it's a bit of a drive to Alabama from here. Although, with a bit of planning...

The cards all turned out beautifully. The variety of papers and the imagination everyone has for their creations is wonderful. Thanks for taking the time to snap all the photos and share them with us.

Java Jen's Creations said...

What a fun post to read and peruse!! Looks like you all had a wonderful time and what a fun surprise for your bride!! I love the idea of a craft shower! Thanks so much for sharing this!! I'm inspired to have a card party myself!! :-)

lindagk23 said...

Awww! Looks like you ladies had a wonderful time! The cards are gorgeous! Sure wish I lived closer. Thank you Sheila for taking the time to share your card party with us. It looks like so much fun! And congrats to Abby! Have a wonderful day!

BethAnn M said...

Such a lovely bunch of cards created at your last party, and what a wonderful idea to have a card party shower! Congratulations to the lucky Bride, too!