January 28, 2015

Learning How To Use The Slice Feature On Design Space

Isn't this little southern belle bear just adorable? I just love playing with my Explore and Design Space as it offers so many features to make designing easier. I never thought I would set aside my Gypsy Woman, but I have. Join me today and learn how you too can make a project using the slice feature. This is just a short video and it will help you.

Now wasn't that easy? I always put my project back together when I adjust it so it is easy to remember just what it looks like. Then I play with the colors to make sure it will look ok using the paper I have.

Well I hope you enjoyed today's post and learned something along the way.
Thank you for your sweet-sweet words of encouragement.  Your comments continue to inspire me. Have a blessed day.


Karon said...

So adorable!! TFS

BethAnn M said...

Now I am beginning to understand Slice! Thank you so much for sharing these tips on Design Space. Your little Teddy is adorable. BethAnn M.

Brenda said...

This is adorable Sheila! What a cool feature to have on the Explore. I think this machine has so much and that you have only touched the surface. I can't wait to see what else you teach us. Hugs, Brenda

Charlotte C said...

This is wonderful, Sheila, and I've seen variations of animals used, but love your southern teddy.

Cricutcrazylisa said...

How cute would the EOS be as the nose?
Great video Sheila!

Java Jen's Creations said...

Great video!! I'm like you - I never thought I would use Design Space more than my Gypsy but I do too!! Thanks for all you do!