June 18, 2015

Fathers Day Card

 Good day! Sheila here and I can't wait to show you this easy little Father's Day card, using the 'Make it now" feature on Design Space. It only took me 1/2 hour to choose the papers and cut the card out. The blue is the only new sheet of paper all the rest was from my scraps.

I had a lot of fun making this card and it really went pretty fast. The matching envelope I thought I would never get straight. Make envelopes are easy but you must start with the right size to make it work. What's that saying measure twice and cut once! I learned the hard way.

I thought coupons would be a great idea. I remember making something when we were first married, but I can't remember what it was for, you know birthday or something. The coupons are always fun. You are looking at what will be my handsome hubbies favorite... The Free Car Wash. Let me tell you he will break out the camera for this as I have only washed the car by myself once in 45 years! Yep this will be his favorite!

The free batch of cookies will also be a favorite as we don't have children so we don't make cookies at this stage of our life, however he would love this too.

Date night is interesting. I have no idea where he will want to go.

He will like this too as he is always asking when it is my turn to buy!

This is going to be a hard one as he gets up everyday at 6. He'll probably want to change this for another car wash!

Everyone love a bear hug do this will be great.

And see how nicely it fits in the envelope. I sure hope you liked today's project.

Thank you for joining us today, and thank you for your sweet-sweet words of encouragement. Your comments continue to inspire me.

Have a blessed day!


Grace Baxter said...

Very cute idea. I remember doing coupon books for my parents when I was a kid (and had no money for gifts). Your hubby will love it.

Charlotte C said...

Wish I had seen this before Father's Day - my husband would have enjoyed it.