March 25, 2010

Look What I Got!!!

For all my ribbon!!! Jen's father-in-law made these after seeing a photo on Ebay that she sent to him! and it is wonderful. I can't believe how much ribbon it holds. I was able to put that Christmas ribbon on the bottom row for my Christmas ornaments and added from there!
I had ribbon I didn't even know I had... look at all the spring colors I can now use!
And the best part it fits right in my scrap room right next to my lonely baby bug! Registered & Protected
Hope you enjoyed! And I will be asking Jen's father-in-law to make another for me real soon! I love all your comments and sweet words of encouragement! Have a great day.


flowerdisco said...

that is a nice organizer. i need to organize mine too. we have so much, right? this scrapbooking hobby takes a lot of room, lol.

Audrey Frelx said...

Wow! How nice! Your father-in-law has his own craft talent, huh?

Debbie said...

What a great organizer! All of my ribbon is in assorted boxes. What you have makes it much easier and quicker.

Barb Craft said...

How great is this?!! Everything looks so nice and organized!!
Barb :)

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Very nice