October 6, 2011


Hello, every one!!!  It's Audrey back again thanks to our wonderful hostess Sheila!

Before I present my project, I would like to apologize to my team sisters -- and brother -- if I was late in commenting on your projects on the date of your project posts.  I love being inspired by your projects and providing support, and I work to be here for all of you; however, due to a circumstance beyond my control, I was unable to comment to some of you on your recent posts.  I have recently revisited and hope I've caught up with you all.

As for my project today, after spending so much time working on another project I thought was due yesterday but which isn't due until Saturday, I hadn't much time to prepare a design project for today and, for the life of me, my mind went blank leaving me with nothing much exciting to do for you.  Normally, I start planning a week or so in advance for my DT projects but I was unable to do that this time around.  Fortunately, not intending to let you down, I knew I could always do a box if nothing else -- if you know me, you know I love boxes!!!  So, I put together this little treasure box for you (due to the Glossy Accent on the stamp of the woman's face there's a reflective glare, sorry about that):

Here's another view of the box:

This simple and easy little box may not be very exciting and/or what you expected but I hope you like it nevertheless.  It's so simple and, as a crafter, you can probably put one together yourself in a jiffy; however, if not, at the end of the tutorial on my blog page, you'll find a simple cut.file you can use or copy the pattern from.   I put it together by first cutting out the 2 page cut file (the box and lid/cover, and the decorative paper panels):

Here's what the pattern pieces looked like once they'd cut:

Next I folded and bone-folded all the folds along each fold line on the box as noted in the picture below by the white markings:

Easy, right?!  After all the folds were done, I turned the box over, grabbed the lid/cover and glued the panels on both the box and lid/cover pieces:

To enhance the color-depth of the paper, with a sponge I used Weathered Wood colored Distress Ink (which is a bluish color close in the color of the paper) to rub ink very litely onto the box and lid/cover; following that application, I used the tip end of the box of  black StazOn Ink to distress the paper a bit by litely streaking the paper with the tip end of the inkpad:

Next I randomly stamped the panels using 2 large stamps, capturing the stamp image of the lady on the lid/cover:

After the ink and stamping was applied to both the box and lid/cover, I glued the box together and glued the lid/cover to the back of the box about 1" in:

At this point the box is done.  But, of course, that naked box must be better dressed to impress... right?!!!  So, I decided on my embellishments.  The Tim Holtz keys and locks looked perfect to me; and I grabbed a couple of metal filagree which I cut into pieces to use on the lid and on the box corners:

(To dull and or lessen the sharp color the silver filagrees, I painted them with black paint and then rubbed off the paint.  They then blended in well with the the silver lock and key)

You can see from the picture of the completed box at the top of the post how these pieces all  came together.  To finish it off, I highlighted and gave dimension to the stamped face of the woman on the lid/cover with some Glossy Accents, added small silver beads to the bottom of the box as the feet to raise the box a bit, used black diamond color Stickles to outline the edges of the box and lid/cover, and used a black Viva Pearl Pen to add the black pearls -- all done!!!  To keep my box closed/secure, I simply tucked it behind top of the Tim Holtz lock embellie.

It wasn't what I would have done had I had more time to plan but, overall, for a rush job I'm pretty satisfied with it!  I hope you like it too!

If you're interested in the George cut.file, please click on my name which is highlighted at the top of this post to be directed to my blog; there you'll find the cut.file at the bottom of my post of this project today.

Thanks for joining me; I so much appreciate your taking the time to stop by, and I'll be back again next month.

I'll be seeing you!


Beatriz Farquhar-Guzman said...

Another fabulous project from you, absolutely love it!

mfc.melissamade2 said...

Oh Wow Audrey! This is utterly gorgeous!! I love the stamping and distressing on the box! Wow and the shape is fun and unique! LOVE it girl!

Cricut Couple said...

Audrey, This is just incredible! I don't know how you do it! You can see a shape in your mind, power up the gypsy and then recreate the entire 3D element from a thought. I can see a card or LO, but I certainly don't see a handbag or shoes. Must be because I am a dude. Hee! Hee! Not that into handbags. Hee! Hee! Love the project!!! You are AMAZING!!!

Sandy from Ukiah said...

It's beautiful Audrey, I love all the little extra details you have added.. you are one amazing lady... the instructions look like it wouldn't be too difficult to make.. So beautifully done.. hugs my friend

Bunnyfreak said...

I love the box. It is adorable with the lock and key. I tried to post a comment on your website Audrey but google is giving me fits.

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Audrey this bo is amazing.... I make them but certainly not like this gorgeous box!!! Love the detail, the inking and the key is awesome. Thank you for the wonderful tutorial so we too can give this a try! Thanks for sharing with us today! Good to have you back and feeling better!

Angi Barrs said...

WOWZA....What a gorgeous box this is. Love that Tim H. Key. :)

papillon digital design said...

Very cute Audrey! Love the box. TFS

Unknown said...

Great box Audrey, great detailed instructions too, thank you for sharing

Dixieglitzie said...

GORGEOUS!!! I can not even BEGIN with the "thank you's". I love all of your detailed "how to's"...I need them so desperately :) ...and that little key, how adorable is that!!! Can you tell I really love this box :) I DO!!!

Snowmanlover said...

Audrey, hi!! I love Audrey!!
Very very neat project. Love your creativity. So unique!!

GabyCreates.com said...

Audrey, you are the master of the boxes! I know I left you a comment on your blog, but I see it again and love it!