October 15, 2011

We Have A Winner On The Tri-Fold Card

This is so exciting. I revisited this design and reopened the entries so some lovely person would win a stamp set.... Well our winner is..

#3, Lori Apgar of Scrappin' My Stress Away! Her entry like all of them was adorable.

Thank you Lori for playing along at She's A Sassy. Please email me at ShesASassyLady@gmail.com with the address you would like your stamp set sent to.


Audrey Frelx said...

Big congratulations, Lori!!!

I'm really enjoying all the wonderful project entries!

Unknown said...

Woot woot!!! Thanks Sheila!!!!! So excited to win!!!

Bunnyfreak said...

Congrats Lori. All the projects are great.