August 21, 2015

Dimensional Stars

Hi Everyone,

Lisa from Lisa's Craft Room here to share my project for the month. I don't know about you, but, this heat is knocking me out. I find it hard to do anything. Anyway, Angie from chic' n scratch shows how to make these stars and I thought they were absolutely awesome. I even got my son to make one. His is the second one. He did a fantastic job. I also made one with black and pink card stock for a friend, but, I must say, they look so much better with patterned paper. The size to start out with is 2 - 6 x 6 pieces. The black and white one is a 4 x 4. I was going to make a 5 x 5 but thought the 6 x 6 were a good size. The 4 x 4 is a little too small. Maybe the 5 x 5 might be better, we'll see someday.

I thought these could be made for any occasion, as long as the paper is right. Christmas, of course, but, what about Halloween, or Birthdays. I could even see them hanging as a mobile or maybe at a baby shower. Of course you would have to make a ton but, you could recruit family and friends to help out. They are not too bad to put together. I'm sorry I don't have a tutorial, but if you go over to Angie's site, you can follow along on how to make them.

I hope you are all surviving the heat. Unless you are a beach goer or have a pool, then I think you are fine :) or maybe you are sitting in air conditioning :) Have a wonderful weekend. Sheila, thank you for having me again :)


Sheila aka SassyLady said...

These stars are just awesome! Thank you for sharing with us today.