August 11, 2015

Saving an "Epic Fail"

Good morning - Adrienne from Eagle Canyon Arts.  It's always a pleasure to be a part of Sheila's talented Sassy Lady design team.  Thank you, Sheila. 

Every once in a while, things get messed up and aproject has to be "re-thunk" as my mum used to say.  That's what happened on the grand children's Birthday card project.

Cricut cartridges used:
Pooh Font
Everyday Paperdolls (for the butterfly)
Art Philosophy (for failed rectangles)

CTMH Supplies used:
Dotty for You Papers (retired)
Jubilee  Papers (retired)
Jubilee Compliments (X7181C)(this item is "while supplies last")
Bronz Glitter Gel (Z1483)(this item is "while supplies last")
Colonial White Cards (X1410)
Topiary Ink (Z2155
I wanted to revisit the "Gap Card" idea ever since Cocoa's Mom demonstrated one a couple of months ago using Design Space.  Since I'm still chewing on switching to that method, I pulled out my trusty Gypsy.  Everything looked terrific on the Gypsy after I got it all designed.  The "back" of the card can be seen at the top of the Gypsy window, with the bottom "gap" containing the Birthday child's name.
THEN, here is what happened when the Cricut machine got 'hold of the design.  It's little noggin and the Gypsy demonstrated "Epic Fail" in communication.  This has only happened one other time to a project I worked on.  I have no clue WHY it happened either time. 
The name letters and the butterfly cutout all turned out fine. SO, it was on to "Plan B".  Since the top part of the card, originally to be the back, was still intact, I cut 2 of those off the yellow cardstock, inked the edges and used them to cover the front of 2 plain cards.  Then I added the names, embellished with some Glitter Gel and a Jubilee Compliments strip.  Lily has a butterfly, so Ethan has fireworks!
Whew!  Epic Fail saved!  Thanks for biting your nails along with me  - better than a mystery book, eh?  Well, maybe not that good, but certainly a challenge.
Deut. 3:21-28


Charlotte C said...

Good recovery. And I too have had that strange cut line across my project that you show across Ethan's name. It's like the G was doing its own thing. What I did was a "save as" and put the project into an entirely new renamed file. That seemed to do it, from what I remember. Something contaminated your original file. It's been a while since I used the G (I have the Explore), and I'm not 100% sure it worked all the time, but give a "save as" a try, see what happens.

Boopster said...

Thanks, Charlotte. I'll give that a try and see what happens.

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Great recovery. I haven't used my gypsy since I got my Explore. I love design space. I feel I took longer to create with the Gypsy but we had more sharing of files then. Love your cards.

Cocoa's Mom said...

Nicely done, Adrienne! And now I HAVE to try a gap card with the addition of an image in the 'gap.' Maybe an image from the new cart that arrived today. : ) : ) : )