August 17, 2012

Baby Carriage

Hi My Blogger Friends,

Hi, it's Lisa from Lisa's Craft Room. I must apologize to you all as I already did to Sheila. We were having issues with our internet and they had to replace a wire on the outside, so we were without internet for a few days. Thankfully, it is back and I am so happy, so is my son. So, I am so sorry that my post is late. Thank you Sheila for understanding and for having me here again this month.

This cute little baby carriage was made with the Scorpal. The wheels are from punches. If you go to Scor-pal Projects, there are so many cute cute projects. Baby Carriage Directions. I love this. My friend is having a baby boy in November and I want to surprise her with this, along with her gifts. Wouldn't this make such a cute baby shower favor?

The directions are so easy to follow and you don't need many supplies. Thank you so much for stopping by and again I am sorry for posting so late :)


Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Lisa this is adorable! Love your choice of papers. I am sure your friend is going to love this. Thanks for sharing today.

Audrey Frelx said...

Lisa, this is just so adorable! Who couldn't love something as sweet as that!!!

Loving My Crafts said...

wow this is so lovely! Your friend will love it.

Nicole said...

Lisa, this is so cute! What a great idea!! Thank you for sharing.

Unknown said...

Lisa this baby buggy is adorable!!!

Lisa said...

Thank you Ladies :)

Migdalia said...

Your friend will love it!I do!What an adorable Buggy!Very cute!

Karons Krafty Korner said...

Oh I love this, its gorgeous. TFS

papillon digital design said...

This is so so cute Lisa. Love it. TFS

Cricut Couple said...

Lisa, this is just one of the coolest things I have ever seen! I absolutely adore this!!!

CBH said...

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Bee Craft Inspirations, under the Page 6 post on Aug. 29, 2012. Thanks again.