August 9, 2012

Stacked Boxes

Happy Thursday, my crafty friends! So excited that it's my turn to be a guest here on Sheila's blog!! Thank you, Sheila!! I'm also a guest designer over at CRICUT IS CLOSE TO MY HEART! Be sure to stop over there to see lots of fabulous projects you can make with CTMH products!!

Today, I decided to make one of the boxes on the CTMH Art Philosophy cartridge that I have been eyeing ever since I saw the project idea in the previous catalog!  Here is my completed set:

Now for the details! :-)

First I cut the box out on page 21 of the cartridge booklet at  11.12", 8.18" and 6.41".(Font Layer - shift) Then I folded on the score lines, burnished the folds and inked the edges.

I'm thinking I can use these boxes to hold some mini cards or gift cards. Here are the boxes stacked and unembellished:

I then added some lace ribbon and some tags cut from Art Philosophy and stamped with CTMH stamps. The tickets are also from Art Philosophy and I printed them on my Cricut Imagine. Of course, I had to add some stitching and then I was done! After making these, I can see them as a centerpiece on a table for a party!

Link to my blog HERE!

Thanks for stopping by today! Now, go pop in your Art Philosophy cartridge and make some boxes of your own! :-)



Unknown said...

These look great all stacked up!! What a fun way to give a gift!!!

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

What a great project and yes I agree they would look nice as a centerpiece for a party. I haven't tried these boxes yet and after seeing them I'm just going to have to give it a try. Sure would make nice Christmas gifts filled with notecards. Thanks for sharing with us today.

Karons Krafty Korner said...

Fabulous they look amazing and I had forgotten about these boxes on the AP cart. TFS

Raven B said...

Oh my goodness Sheila what a beautiful set!!! I love the colors and the details. ;)

Audrey Frelx said...

Great job, Jen! The stacked boxes look fantastic!

Audrey Frelx said...

Great job, Jen! The stacked boxes look fantastic!

Sandy from Ukiah said...

what a fun gift idea..

Lisa said...

Great job, and idea. I love those. Boxes are so fun. Thanks for sharing.

Rosie said...

These are sooo cool

doodlingdebbie said...

Oh how PRETTY! what a great way to give a gift with such elegance. Thank you for this wonderful inspiration.

Cricut Couple said...

These are SO COOL!!! What great designs!