September 9, 2013

First Communion Bookmarks

Hi there!  This is Melody from A Splash Here and There blog and today's my day to share a project here at She's a Sassy Lady blog.  Thanks Sheila for having me over once a month.  My 8 year old DD had her first communion a few months ago, and although I shared with you all here how we created her communion banner, I have never shared the little gifts she gave her close friends who also had their first communion at the same time. They are little bookmarks to go along with the first communion books she gave her friends.  This project was designed using the Silhouette Studio and all cuts were done using my Cameo.

The base of the bookmarks were actually banners by Lori Whitlock (Design ID #25737).  With a little modification, I mirrored the banners (straight edged for the boys and scalloped for the girls), welded two together and created perforated lines and holes.  Below is how the bookmarks looked in the Silhouette Studio.  I also let the Silhouette Studio do the faux stitching for me. The fonts I used for the sentiments on the bookmarks were those already in my library (downloaded free - just googled "free fonts").

Below is how the girls' bookmarks look printed in pink cardstock.  (I used green cardstock for the boys).  The registration marks on the three corners on the page will tell the Cameo where to cut once I put the printed page on the mat.

Here's a look after the Cameo has had the chance to cut.  I just love having the Silhouette Studio do the faux stitching for me ;).  The boys' bookmarks had a different style of faux stitching.

I wanted to attach some beads with each of the kids' names and wanted it to be sturdy so I put some eyelets where the holes were.

After attaching the beads to the bookmarks, I attached magnets to the insides of each bookmark.

And here are some closeups of the finished bookmarks.

front of the bookmarks with the kids' names in beads
the back of the bookmarks says "from your friend, Mya"
Hope you like this project.  Thanks for looking and "see" you all again soon!  Thanks for having me over, Sheila ;)!


Charlotte C said...

Such a cute idea. TFS

Audrey Frelx said...

Soooo cute! Love the beaded charms!

Karon said...

Wonderful book marks - love the beads with the names! TFS

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Melody these are just as cute as can be. Love the beads! And thank you for the great tutorial!

Java Jen's Creations said...

These bookmarks are soooo cute! I am inspired to make some of these for gifts!! Perfect!! Thanks for sharing!!