December 10, 2009

Making Christmas Glitter Ornaments

Supplies:    Martha Stewart Fine Glitter
                  Glass Ornaments from craft store
                  Pledge Future Wax - Clear
                  Matching Ribbon to tie on ornament
                  Small piece of plastic wrap
                  Napkin or paper towel
                  Sheet of paper

This is just so much fun! Start by getting your supplies and may I suggest that you use the 1/2 off coupons that Michael's, Hobby Lobby and Joanne's offer to hold your cost down.

Remove the metal clasp from ornament. Pour a little wax (about a 1 or 2 TBS) into the ornament, place plastic wrap over opening and then swirl and tip to coat entire ornament (don't shake as it creates bubbles). Pour excess wax back in bottle. Immediately pour glitter into the ornament (1-2 TBS) and swirl again until entire inside is coated with the glitter. This time cove the opening with the napkin or paper towel to prevent glitter from spilling out. Pour out excess on a sheet of paper so you can funnel back to bottle. Retain for another project or ornament if dry. Toss if wet. Carefully place the clasp back on.

Tie a ribbon on the clasp and you have a beautiful ornament just as it is to place on the tree. Or you might like to add stickers or even use your cricut to cut beautiful designs, words, or monograms on the ornament. If you choose vinly my I send you to this blog as Denise has a video on cutting vinyl and applying it to glass and tile. Either way this is a gift that is sure to please everyone on your Christmas list. I will ad another photo after mine are all decorated.

I like to do projects with my grandchildren. They are too young yet to handle glass ornaments, but that is ok many of the craft stores carry plastice ones that would be perfect for the little guys. You might want to get some cheap plastic bottles at the dollar store and place your glitter in that to make it easier for them to handle. If you are on a tight budget but still would like to do this project with the children you can use the inexpensive glitters at Walmart. They work, just not quite as shiny and you may need to put a little more glitter in to cover effectively.

I got this idea from the projects on Christmas with the Cricut gals. If you haven't visited their site, run now. It is full of ideas and they have give aways each and every week. Registered & Protected

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Magoo said...

oh those look so beautiful and sparkly!!! I LOVE SPARKLE!! :) :)

Great job on those ornaments~they are perfect!!!

Sandi Clarkson said...

I saw this at CWTC but am so glad to be reminded of it. My grandkids are older and this would be a perfect activity to do with them.

Carol said...

Sheila ... great job on these ornaments. I made some similar a few years ago, but instead of floor wax, we used a 50-50 blend of Elmer's Glue and water. Need I even say it? The were such a mess to make and to be honest, I don't think they turned out this nice either. Also, thanx for the tip to NOT shake the wax because of the air bubbles ... that's probably the first thing I would have done! =)