January 5, 2015


Happy 2015!!!

Lori here from ScrappinMyStressAway.  I am excited to be featured at She's A Sassy Lady today!

One of my resolutions this year is to spend/invest more time with my friends!  I get caught up in my job and being mom.  Many of you know I am a daycare provider 50 hours a week.  I love it most of the time and my biggest bonuses are kisses, smiles and hugs!!

I am also a uniform washing, carpool driving, gatorate fetching and loudly cheering baseball mom,  I am involved with Tanner's school parties and field trips and play dates.  

All of this leaves me partially fulfilled and totally exhausted!!

It is easy to say no thanks when friends call.  It is easy to veg on the couch with a good book.  I am going to start saying yes more often.  I am going to line up a babysitter or evening with Mimi and Papa when Mike's work takes him out of town.

I am not a big wine drinker, but I do enjoy pedicures, shopping, lunch and movies with friends!

I made my sign by selecting this image from the Silhouette store.  I filled in the color and sent it to my printer.  I printed on laminated burlap and trimmed it to fit an 8x8 tin.  The tin is from Michaels in the dollar bins.

I inked the edges of the burlap and glued it to the tin.  I have a tutorial for a similar project HERE.

This is a small sign to remind me of a big resolution!!!  I hope you have a wonderful 2015!!!


Sonya said...

Cute project! Good luck with your resolution!

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Lori, I love this it is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing.

Charlotte C said...

I think I left a comment on your blog how much I love what you did here.