January 19, 2015


Hello, everyone, and a happy 2015 to you.  I hope you all had a beautiful holiday and are settling into the new year doing what you love, especially crafting!   
This is Charlotte C, and I’m excited to share with you a video I found on YouTube about sealing your liquid adhesives with, of all things, silicone baby bottle nipples.  I for one get so frustrated with Zip Dry and Glossy Accents and Scotch Quick Dry – always sticking pins and paper clips into the nozzle to get the darn things flowing.  And now with some foam tape and silicone nipples the problem has been solved.  The link is to a video by Follow The Paper Trail and I hope you find it as useful and informative as I did.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huZXoBncje0

Thank you for visiting today and thanks to Sheila for allowing me to once again be part of her wonderful blog.  I am always inspired and often amazed at all the talented women who are part of this site, especially Sheila, and I wish you all good health, happiness and love in the year ahead.


Kraftychick said...

I've heard of this but now that I've seen the video I'm definitely going to try it - genius!!!

Grace Baxter said...

I watched the video on the silicone baby bottle nipples solution. What a fabuilous tip! I will be using this one. Thank you!

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

This is a wonderful idea but I have a caution for you. Make sure you do exactly what she says. I couldn't find to 0-3 months and went with the 3+ and they will not work. The hole is too big on the latter and will let air in and dry the glue. But it does make the great lines and exactly what she shows. I can't wait to find the right nipples. I think I will go to babies R us.
Thans for sharing this.

Karon said...

Thanks for sharing a great idea.

Unknown said...

Charlotte what a great idea!! I need to get some! There is nothing worse than a clogged glue tip!!