January 31, 2013


Hi Everyone.  I'm Charlotte C.  Thank you, Sheila, for again allowing me the honor of being a guest on your wonderful blog today.   I love cards that are interactive, and this is how I created a simple suspension Valentine's Day card with my Gypsy.  Get ready to use your hide/contour feature too.

Cartridges used:  Plantin Schoolbook, Gypsy Wanderings, Art Philosophy, Artiste
Materials I used:
White card stock for the card base
Printed card stock for the card front layer
Chipboard letters I and U from Close to My Heart/Art Philosophy
Glitter card stock to cover the letters and create the suspension heart
Printed card stock for scallop frame
Dental Floss (you can use linen threat, but I don't have any)
Red Line Tacky Tape and ink, glue, bling, lace, ribbon, corner chomper

First create a 4 1/4" x 5 1/2" rectangle (Real Dial Size ON; unlinked).  From AP, position the I and U sized at 1 1/2"  with a 2" heart from GW on the rectangle.  Hide the inner part of the heart.  Remove the I and U off the mat for now, weld the heart to the rectangle and cut using printed card stock.  This is your card front layer.  Now weld another 4 1/4 x 5 1/2 rectangle to this rectangle (this time delete the heart because it's the back of the card) and cut with solid card stock. Now you have your card base and front layer and the cutout hearts should line up.  Here's a shot of my mat.
To create the scallop heart frame, from Artiste place the scallop heart sized at 2.20H (Real Dial Size ON) on the mat.  Using the same heart from GW we used above, size it to 1.80H (Real Dial Size ON), hide the inner part of the heart, center it in the scallop heart, weld and cut.  Now you have the frame.

The suspended heart is the same heart from GW sized at 2" (Real Dial Size ON), place two on the mat, hide the outside of each heart, flip one and cut from glitter paper.  Cut the I and U from glitter paper and adhere to the chipboard letters from CTMH.  I inked the edges of everything before assembly.

Assembly:  On the back side of the printed card stock front layer, place a small piece of tacky tape above and below the heart cutout, but close to where it's cut.  Lay the dental floss centered in the opening on the tape.  Put a piece of tacky tape on top of where the floss is attached, but don't take off the protective red yet.
Run a piece of tacky tape down the center and along the edges of both glitter hearts, center and attach them to the dental floss.  Your heart is now suspended. 

Add the scallop frame, the I and U, and any other embellishments before adhering the layer to the base card front.  I used tacky tape to adhere the layer and that's when I removed the protective red so that everything would stick.  I rounded the corners before adding the ribbon and lace.
TIP:  Before placing your card in an envelope, turn the heart a few times so that when your recipient opens the card the heart will "spin."
I know this is long, but I hope it's understandable and that you will enjoy making a suspension card for different occasions.


Scrappin Rabbit Designs said...

Beautiful card! Thanks for the how to's. I will have to give this a try. :)

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Charlotte, this card is just as cute as can be.... I will have to give this a try as it is adorable.... thanks for the great instructions too. Thanks for sharing with us today!

Karon said...

Such a pretty card - thanks for sharing.

SherriC. said...

Love these cards.....yours is super cute TFS!!!