February 3, 2015

Learning To Flatten On The Explore

Don't you just love scrap booking? Well the Explore just made it a lot easier. Now you can do youf artwork in so many ways. You can print and cut the whole object of just partial layers. Join me in today's video so you too can learn.

See how easy that is? It opens so many opportunities for everyone into paper crafting.

Look at this little baby, she is on the top of one of my scrapbook pages. Watch the next video so you can see many other options you have.

Awesome isn't it? So many wonderful possibilities you just have to give it a try.

This is the baby Jesus, and I used Him on Christmas Cards and tags.

The Reindeer was used on Christmas Cards and tags. He looks real cute with a pom-pom on his little nose.

This is a flower I made in 1 piece and put it on a quick card made from scraps.

This too is another flower I used on a card I made with scraps.... it's real easy to change the color of the flower to match your paper.

This little baby was used on a little boy's scrapbook page. So happy I didn't have to do it's little face.

Thank you for joining be today. Your sweet-sweet words of encouragement mean so much to me. Your comments continue to inspire men.

Have a blessed week.


Charlotte C said...

It never occurred to me to flatten part of a full image. Great idea. I love the flatten feature. I've used it as a base, then popped up some of the layers on it. Thanks for the great videos.

Karon said...

These are all fabulous - you have been busy!

BethAnn M said...

That is so neat! I really didn't understand that feature until you showed it to us in the video. Thank you so much for helping me to learn how to use my new Explore.