February 28, 2015

Easel Cards And Learning How To Move You Mats On The Explore

Good morning, I am having so much fun using my Explore and I used it a lot for these 10 cards. They all had the same style but I used 6x6 sheets of paper and scrap paper to make them. I did a lots of moving on the mats so please watch the video below to see how easy that is.

See how easy that was? just move your pieces on the mat and you can cut to fit the paper you have.
Now all we have to do is put these cards together...

It took a little time to put the cards together as I made 2 cards of each color so it was a little extra time to cut and put together. The little animals were easy all I had to do is weld some hearts on the animals, weld them together, flatten then do a print and cut.

Here is the cute little monkey cards.



Crab and a Koala bear.

The Crab and Seal.

And finally a monkey and a seal.
I hope you liked today's post. I enjoyed sharing with you. Thank you for your sweet words of inspiration. Your comments continue to encourage me.


Cocoa's Mom said...

Thank you for the videos, Sheila! I always learn something new when I watch them. : )

Charlotte C said...

Your cards are adorable. Love the papers and the welded hearts. I am loving the Explore too, and the "flatten" feature is such a time saver.

Migdalia said...

Super cute cards! I too am enjoying & learning on my C.E.
Have a wonderful day,
Crafting With Creative M

Unknown said...

Wow Sheila!!! Your cards are darling! Glad you are loving your explore!!