November 13, 2015

Card Party A Success

Hello, I am so happy you are joining me today to see all these beautiful cards. I have a video as well as photos of all the cards. Personally I like to see both, the video for more color and photos to pick up the detail. As you know I have been doing card parties with my friends now for over 3 years and we love it. I no longer buy cards as I have such a wide variety. Over the years we have grown by learning from each other. If we buy a new tool we bring it to the party to see how it works and to enable our friends to purchase more craft items! LOL

The card above was made by Laura and it is gorgeous.

Aren't they all beautiful?

This is my card.

This card is Angie's, she had the entire bottom punched.

This is an adorable card that Dorothy designed. I rubbed the front so you can see it was done with chalk.

Jennifer did the above card and the little frogs wobble! So much fun.

This card is designed by Patricia... we loved Patricia she made meatballs with bacon around the outside and brown sugar and sprinkled with red pepper. Don't kill me Patricia but I am typing this in Florida and the camera with your other card on it, It is on the video and you all have to see this card it is adorable.


Jennifer made this card and the little cupcakes are from the dollar store and are made of felt. Cute.

Here is another card from Jennifer, she made it from scraps. She needed birthday cards for work and boy do we have them from this party.

Here is another card from Angie, great bright colors are festive.

This birthday card is from Jennifer, another dollar store find and she made the little monkeys pop up.

Please check out this card Anita designed. It opens by lifting the blue border up and then you find and gift card holder, so adorable and so unique.

Here is an Abby card, I liked it so much I used it already for my bestest cousin Roxann.

This is another Laura card and it is beautiful. I'm keeping it!

 This card is and Abby Card and it is great. It is a 6x6 and beautiful.

Anita made this beautiful thank you card and I like that there is plenty of room on the inside to write a personal note.

Dorothy made this beautiful 5x7 note card the I can't ge to stand the right way.  The flowers are so pretty I had to do a close up of it.

This is the shaker birthday card I made and it is awesome and so easy when you make them with an Explore.

And Anita designed this beautiful birthday card.

And finally this birthday I did and had so much fun with. I love Anna Griffin's cartridges and use them a lot.

I sure hope you enjoyed today's cards, we had so much fun. I wish everyone of you would try having these parties with your friends. If you need details, just let me know and I will send you information.


Charlotte C said...

All the cards are beautiful. You're so lucky to have crafty friends nearby to have these card parties. Thanks for sharing such a fun time.

Boopster said...

Wow, beautiful cards; almost too much to process! Thanks for all the pictures - inside and out. What a great party.