December 10, 2015

It's Beginning To Look A lot Like Christmas!

Hello everyone! Java Jen here from JAVA JEN CREATIONS! Sorry I've been MIA but I encountered a personal health crisis at the end of the summer and am just now getting back to doing things I enjoy! So thankful for the provision of the Lord in my life!!   Well, I've been making lots of items to sell and here are a few! Not a lot of instruction in this post but if anyone has any specific questions, feel free to ask! 

Stamped coffee cards

I'm taking special orders for frames like these!

Also taking orders for these! <3

Taking orders for these that display my grandchildren's artwork! :-)

I made lots of Christmas banners!

The Christmas Joy Foldout in Cricut Design Space is very popular and I love how it looks!

Did this sign in vinyl and took the back off the frame to let my wall color show through! 

These mugs have been another great seller for me too! 

These monogrammed mugs are my latest project and they are selling like hotcakes! I'm so excited! 

Well, that's all I have for today! Thanks, Sheila for letting me share today! My prayer is for everyone to have a happy, blessed and healthy Christmas !! 


Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Jen your projects are awesome, I love all of them. But I am thrilled that you are feeling good enough to return. I bet your family is thrilled that you are feeling better. Thank you for sharing today my friend!

Java Jen's Creations said...

Thank you, Sheila! My family has been so good to me and I'm so grateful for their support!! So good to be back to crafting! :)

Charlotte C said...

Lots of absolutely beautiful items here. TFS, and glad you're on the mend. Have a blessed holiday.

Grace Baxter said...

I love the personalized mug names. Merry Christmas, Sheila!

Grace Baxter said...

Oops! Sorry, Jen. I didn't realize you had done this post. All great projects!