February 5, 2016

It Was Mint

Happy February Sassy People!

Anyone who has been following me for a while knows I love to play on words; especially on cards. Sometimes printing out a sentiment is not what I want to do. I just want to stamp it out! I have been so excited since Silhouette gave us a teaser back in the late spring of 2015 of the new Mint Stamp Maker! I had a stamp maker some years ago but I could never get the transparencies to print dark enough to make the clear stamps. I had a lot of wasted emulsion pads...so frustrated! I am still hopeful for custom clear stamps one day, but I tell you, I am so happy with this little machine! Easy to use and no waste...unless it is user error!

I purchased it a few months ago and figured it was time to show case her! The software allows just about any image be turned into a stamp. The kit come with the software, cables, Mint, 2 stamp blocks (15mx30 & 30mx30), stamp sheets to fit the blocks, labels, ink, and case to cover the stamp. Once you have a block, you do not have to purchase another one unless you want. You can change the pad and use accordingly.  I will admit, the replacements are a bit costly, but the sheets come with two stamps…and to be able to make a stamp on the fly and not wait for shipping…it’s worth it to me!

So here is how it works:

Open up Mint Studio-click design

Choose your stamp size

Open up your image. In my case, I used my logo….been wanting a stamp for LONG time!!

Resize the image to fit the stamp size

Add any text or images- can curve or customize the text

*Please note, if your image has different colors (mine has magenta), I suggest changing it to a full black and white image because it will not be on the final product as you will see at the end….
Once you are satisfied with your image, the software will automatically flip the image (not pictured)

Insert the stamp blank in the machine wait about a minute or so take off the access cardboard and plastic. Mount on the block, and ink with desired colors. Let the ink soak for a few moments, stamp off a few times until the image stamps clearly. Stamp as desired…replace cap to preserve the ink/stamp! 

That’s it!! Can you image all of the stamps that can be made?? Valentine's Day is coming up...just saying! I hope you enjoyed today’s project. Remember to stop by and check regularly…new projects are added all the time! Kenya~


Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Wow this is AWESOME. I never saw one of these and I must say you are tempting me to get one. Kenya I love it and what you created. I had a stamp made and rarely use it as it turned out larger than expected. This would be a great way to get exactly what you want. Thanks for sharing today.

Krafthead said...

Thank you Sheila!! I think you would love it if you get one....when you do please share :D

Charlotte C said...

I saw a product review done by Ken Hess on his blog (Kreativeken.blogspot.com) and thought it wasn't for me, but I think I'll take a second look at it now. TY.