February 11, 2016

Valentine's Mugs

Happy Thursday, everyone! Java Jen here from Java Jen Creations to share a few Valentine's mugs I have made! Some I have sold and some I have given to friends and family! Thanks, Sheila, for letting me share here today! I am so hooked on doing vinyl on mugs and the possibilities are really endless! I've made lots more but here are just a few of my favorites!

This set is one of my favorites! 

For anyone who doesn't know what the "TLA" is, it means True Love Always! :-) 

Short and sweet today! Thanks so much for stopping by today! 

Java Jen


Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Jen these mugs are beautiful. Oh, thanks for telling me what TLA means. I like that cup the best. Thank you for sharing today!

Grace Baxter said...

Very cute mugs! Are all parts vinyl?

Java Jen's Creations said...

Thank you! Yes, they are plain mugs with permanent vinyl on them.

Charlotte C said...

I've made three mugs, all with stencils of the recipient's face on them, and I know how much fun it is to work with vinyl on mugs, even though creating the stencils was a task. I love what you did. TFS.