February 27, 2010

Another Sunshine Award....

Good morning everyone. I received another Sunshine Blog Award! I am so thankful that Monique, a fellow Cricut MB member, a follower and an extremely talented scrapper thought of me! Monique’s blog is called Simple Things Make Me Happy and I really hope you get a chance to go visit her blog.

This is so exciting because Monique is from the Netherlands!!! My grandson Justin will be so excited as he loves to see where followers of my blog are coming from, so he checks out the little flags on my site.

Here are the rules:
1. You must pass this award on to six (6) other bloggers/followers.
2. Link your nominees within your post
3. Let your bloggers/followers know you are passing this award to them by leaving a comment on their blog.
4. Add a link to the blog of the person from whom you received this award

I would like to present the awards to:
These New Bloggers hoping that you will stop by each of them and encourage them in their new endeavour.
Precious Memories Scrapbooking and More
Just2Ducky’s Daily Life and Creations
Card Making Corner
KE Creations
Never Pay Full Price
Cuttle Faries Express
Thanks for stopping by today! Please take a minute and go visit each one of these new bloggers listed above and encourage them by leaving a comment. Have a wonderful day


Barb Craft said...

Congrats Sheila!! Look at all the sunshine you spread!! I love that you passed it on to some newbies!! I'm sure it made their day!!
Barb :)

Audrey Frelx said...

Congratulations, Sheila!!! You do deserve it!!!

I'll be seeing you!

Precious Memories Scrapbooking & More said...

Thanks for spreading the sunshine to me...

Haidee said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations and thank you!!!

TraciVee said...

Congrats on your award and thanks so much for including me in your list of new bloggers to check out. That was so sweet of you :)