June 28, 2013

Iron On Vinyl-Lawn Chair

Hello Craffty Friends, 
Sherri here from Sherri's Crafty Place
Today I have an Iron-On Vinyl project for you, 
Cricut has recently come out with Iron-On Vinyl, I couldn't wait to 
try it, here is a sneak peak at the finished product.....
A child's Moon chair for my puppy to sit in, yes my puppy
we spend alot of time outdoors, and he keeps stealling everyones chair when they get up, so I found this child's Moon chair and thought this is perfect for him, with a little personalization of coarse...lol
Using MTC I used the LD Red Hatter's Hand Font and some paw prints I traced Remember to mirror your images 
and using Cricut's new Iron On Vinyl in black and Silver glitter
 place the vinyl shiney side down on your mat, note when I cut out the regular black iron on vinyl using the kiss cut setting was ok      3-3-3 cutting once , but when cutting the glittery ones you also do the 3-3-3 but use multi cut 2, it is pretty thick
using your iron heat up the area you are going to apply the vinyl to before adding the vinyl, then place your vinyl ( I did not use my ironing board, because you need to apply alot of pressure to the iron, I used a towel on a good hard wood table)
then placed another thin towel over my images, apply alot of pressure moving iron around and did I say ALOT of pressure, LOL
I would say probably for 3 - 5 mins 
Carefully and slowly lifting the transfer tape (that is already there) while your image is still warm
and voila!!!!  I LOVE IT!!!!!! 
I love the Iron On Vinyl, so many possibilites!!!! 
 here is the final product, I probably could have gone a little bigger but there are so many bars behind this chair, this was as big as I could do it and still get my iron to lay flat
here is Taz enjoying his chair before I got it done, 
he LOVES his chair, unfortunatly he is not here to try it out all done, as he is at the Vets....... he just turned 6 months so he is, well you know what happens when a puppy turn 6 months......hopefully he will stop stealing everyones chair now that he has his own, 

Thank you so much for stopping by today, 

and please let me know if you have any questions about Iron-On Vinyl, 
Happy Crafting, ❀Sherri❀


Sheila aka SassyLady said...

What a GREAT project and I be the TAZ really likes it too! Thanks for sharing today.

Karon said...

This is super cute and great to see that he has already claimed his chair! TFS

Java Jen's Creations said...

This is great! I am going to get some of the Cricut Iron-On Vinyl! I agree, soooooo many possibilities!!

ottersln said...

I love that you got this puppy it's own chair and the personalized it to boot! Thanks for sharing. Sweet pup too!

Hrvatica said...

Great project!