January 1, 2016

Memory Jar

Happy 2016 Sassy People!!

I am honored to be the first person from our talented team to wish you all a Happy New Year! May it be a year of creativity, joy, peace, love, prosperity, and favor. I know the team has some exciting projects to share. I suggest you come back often to be inspired!

I have to admit, 2015 was a very challenging year. I personally am happy to see it come to an end and I am excited to see what 2016 brings! I most certainly believe the latter will be greater than the last!

Today’s project was inspired by a Facebook post I saw. It suggested writing down different events and placing them in a jar. At the end of the year, the participant will read them as a way to reflect on the year. As mentioned, 2015 was a trying year. I am guilty of not always seeing the silver lining during those difficult times. I am sure I am not the only one. Instead of waiting to the end of the year, whenever I forget to see how blessed I am or how many prayers has been answered, I think it would be good for me to go in the jar and read them. There is nothing wrong with having a reminder right?

For this project, you can use whatever you have on hand. I used a mason jar from the Dollar Store, but you can use an old box, create a box or an old piggy bank. You can dress it up, leave it plain…whatever you want. The point of this is to reflect! There is nothing like starting the year off the right way!!

I took out the inner lid and dressed up the outer lid with trim. I also added trim to the bottom of the jar. I had some sticky notes. To make this easier, I punched a hole and placed it on the jar with a pen attached. On the note, it is important to notate the date and the event. I also would like to take this a step further and add those special answered prayers, testimonies, and blessings in a separate book. Stay tuned for that (wink, wink)!

I really do hope this inspired you to do something similar. As I said, sometimes it is hard to see the blessings when you go through. This is a good way to be reminded just how blessed we are…my first note will be WE MADE IT TO SEE 2016!! Kenya~


Sheila aka SassyLady said...

What a great idea. I have never done this using a jar. I keep a little calendar in my purse and add things just as if I were making a date or something. I like your idea as it give you time to reflect at the end of the year plus who needs the extra weight in their purse! Thanks for sharing today!

Krafthead said...

Thank you Sheila!! Happy New Year!!