June 4, 2011

Gypsy Made Simple - Wedding Card & Blog Candy

Good morning! It is time for an easy Gypsy Made Simple project that is just in time for the summer wedding season. This year I will be ready and so will you. All you need to do is go grab a cup of coffee turn you gypsy on and let's get to work. We are gong to revisit a card we did months and months ago; the partial shape card. For those that have played along before with it the template on your Gypsy should say A2W. If you haven't click HERE for the original video. Note your template will be a 4.25x11" on one page and the page that you work on will be 4.25x9.5". Easy as can be and that is what you are looking at on this video screen.

This is such an easy card that can be made in a matter of minutes. I have to admit every time I use this style double the card so that I am doing 1 cut with a total of 2 cards. One for the occasion at hand and one for my stash so I am prepared.

Look at these yummy colors I am using. K and Company for the print and then Bassil solids. All cut like butter.
All my cuts are ready to be put together. I did them both at the same time as it was just easier.
Here are the little brides and the inside sentiment ready to go.

This is a quick little video showing how easy it is to assemble this little card. You will all want to make one when you see just how easy it is.

And here you go, both cards are done and ready to be signed. I just love the ease of this card. Ten minutes to design, 10 to cut and 10 to put together, that simple! Sure hope you enjoyed today's post and hope that you play along with today's card challenge.
I challenge you to make a Partial Shape Wedding Card of your own and link it up to my site. All linked cards will be eligible for the random drawing to win this car charger for your Gypsy. One of my favorite necessities on a road trip and for those summer vacations will be given to one lucky Partial Shape Wedding Card entry, all you need to do is link up your card by 8PM June 11th to be eligible. Winner will be announced on Sunday June 12th. Designers are eligible.
Thank you for your sweet sweet words of encouragement. Your comments continue to inspire me to continue sharing with you.


Java Jen's Creations said...

Beautiful card, Sheila!! I love the paper colors! I should have mine linked sometime today! Thanks, as always, for your great tutorials! I always look forward to them on Saturdays! :-)

Bamabel said...

What a beautiful card!!! I love what you have done! Awesome blog candy too! I have super jammed week, but if I can, I'll try to play along.

SherriC. said...

Great tutorial Sheila!!!!
I had fun making my card, thank you so much for the chance to win....

Audrey Frelx said...

Sheila, that card is gorgeous!!! I don't use my Gypsy nearly enough, so I'll have to try this. You really do make it look so easy!

Angi Barrs said...

Wow...super gorgeous wedding card. Love it. :)

Unknown said...

Great videos and such a beautiful wedding card!

jordanbev5@yahoo.com said...

I just found your site, and am loving your tutorials! Haven't ever seen gypsy files like this so will apply it to file system immediately. Yours is much more organized and therefore can be found for use! Mine is not in any order, so love yours! Have become a follower and suscribed. Found you from the Cricut message boards. Happy to be here.

Sentimental Scrapper said...

Beautiful card Sheila!

papillon digital design said...

Lovely card Sheila.

JenL said...

Awesome card Shelia!

Janis said...

I must try to do this before the end of the week! The videos are great. Your gentle voice and calming nature are a blessing. Thanks for sharing - I know it takes a lot of your time but want you to know it's SO appreciated.

Princess Hilda.... said...

beautiful CARD

Unknown said...

Beautiful card. I just found your site and I am so glad I did. I have a gypsy but I do not know how to use her. I am going to watch every video you have on here!!!! Thank you. I love how I can just follow along with you, I'm excited. Hugs, Pam

Tracy said...

Another wonderful project Sheila :) Thanks so much for sharing it with us this week on the T.G.I.F. Linky Party at www.craftjunkietoo.com

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wedding postage stamps said...

Very nice card. I love the cute bride! And I love the Layers look of the card. Great job, I may have to give that one a shot. Thanks for the post!

Anonymous said...

Great tutorials sheila!!!All the themes are perfectly designed but i especially like the cute bride!!!And also love the layers look of the card.........
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